Стрезовце, located at Стрезовце, Strezovce, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Драгоманце, located at Драгоманце, Dragomance, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Дејловце, located at Дејловце, Dejlovce, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Цветишница, located at Цветишница, Cvetishnica, Northeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Арбанашко, located at Arbanashko, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Коинце, located at Коинце, Koince, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Псача, located at Псача, Psacha, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Љубинци, located at Љубинци, Ljubinci, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Милутинце, located at Милутинце, Milutince, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Нерав, located at Нерав, Nerav, Municipality of Kriva Palanka, Northeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Огут, located at Ogut, Northeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Студена Бара, located at Студена Бара, Studena Bara, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Черкези, located at Черкези, Cherkezi, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Доброшане, located at Доброшане, Dobroshane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Биљановце, located at Биљановце, Biljanovce, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Глажња, located at Глажња, Glazhnja, Municipality of Lipkovo, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Опае, located at Опае, Opae, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Виштица, located at Виштица, Vishtica, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Белановце, located at Белановце, Belanovce, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Оризари, located at Оризари, Orizari, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Злокуќане, located at Злокуќане, Zlokukjane, Municipality of Lipkovo, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Живалево, located at Живалево, Zhivalevo, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Талашманце, located at Талашманце, Talashmance, Municipality of Kratovo, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Криви Камен, located at Криви Камен, Krivi Kamen, Municipality of Rankovce, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Герман, located at Герман, German, Northeastern Region, North Macedonia. [read more]
Руѓинце, located at Руѓинце, Rugjince, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Буковљане, located at Bukovljane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Гулинци, located at Гулинци, Gulinci, Municipality of Rankovce, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Вржогрнци, located at Вржогрнци, Vrzhogrnci, Municipality of Rankovce, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Канарево, located at Канарево, Kanarevo, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Карловце, located at Карловце, Karlovce, Municipality of Staro Nagorichane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Тромеѓа, located at Тромеѓа, Tromegja, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Куманово, located at Куманово, 1300 Kumanovo, North Macedonia. [read more]
Никуљане, located at Никуљане, Nikuljane, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Р`нковце, located at Р`нковце, Rnkovce, Municipality of Lipkovo, Northeastern Region. [read more]
Думановце, located at Думановце, Dumanovce, Municipality of Lipkovo, Northeastern Region. [read more]