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NGO Civic Development is located at 1324 Vaksince, Republic of Macedonia. They can be contacted via phone at +38970455003 for more detailed information.

According to the character and program determinations organization its actions have targeted these spheres:
- Protection,promotion of human rights and freedoms
- Conflict resolution
- Promoting environmental awareness
- Economic Development
- Integration

Tags : #NonGovernmentalOrganizationNgo, #NonGovernmentalOrganization(ngo)

Location :
1324 Vaksince, Republic of Macedonia
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 18 June 2018


According to the character and program determinations organization its actions have targeted these spheres:
- Protection,promotion of human rights and freedoms
- Conflict resolution
- Promoting environmental awareness
- Economic Development
- Integration

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3 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    25 June 2018


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  • Anynomous
    27 September 2018

    "Interreg IPA Cross border Cooperation Programme BG-MK" Shoqata jonë OJQ "Zhvillim Qytetar", Vaksincë-Likovë, sonte më 26.09.2018 shfrytëzoi rastin që të diskutojë me ministrin e vetëqeverisjes lokale në Qeverinë e R.së Maqedonisë z.Suhejl Fazliu rreth disa detajeve për aktivitetet tona vijuese si dhe mundësive të aplikimit dhe implementimeve të mundshme të projekteve nga IPA fondet për Bashkëpunim ndërkufitar rajonal me shtetet fqinje

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  • Anynomous
    17 July 2018

    Повик за Обука | Call for training | Позив за обуку | Thirrje për trajnim |

    -Креирање на младински работни групи и презентирање на деталите за обуката. -Create youth working groups and presenting the details of the training. -Стварање радних младинских група и представљање детаља тренинга. -Krijimi i grupeve punuese rinore dhe prezantimi i detajeve të trajnimit.

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