Going to Skopje? Check out the lilst of fun things to do #Macedonia #Skopje
Ohrid through the lens of Thomas Marthinsen. Thank you Thomas! #Ohrid #Macedoniaholiday
Krushevo, Macedonia:well known on the competition circuit and easily one of the best paragliding sites in Europe. #paragliding #MacedoniaTravel #Adventureholidays #Krushevo
10 reasons to visit Macedonia!
Falling in love with Macedonia: through the lense of photographer Mario Kuchera... Love the food & wine part <3 #Macedonia #adventuretravel #discovery
Some lovely memories sent from our dear guest on the Balkan Cycling Tour 2018. #cycling #Balkan #Macedonia #Macedoniatravel #adventuretravel #Ilovemyjob
No1 destination for outdoor fun! #Macedonia #Macedoniatravel #mountainbike #hike #fly #dive #climb #kayak #cuisine #wine
A country for hiking ... #Macedonia #hikingholidays #MacedoniaTravel #thetelegraph
Wedding Festival in Galichnik: a festival worth traveling for #Macedonia #festival #Galichnikwedding #MacedoniaTravel
Bringing together #AdventureinMacedonia to the US adventurers. #WomanTours #IncreasingMarketEmployability #MacedoniaTravel #bikingtours
MACEDONIA: Mountain herbs, paprika, porcini mushrooms, walnuts and fruit rakija, sheep cheese... Lonely Planet selection of some of the most mouthwatering food-touring experiences from around the world. #Macedonia #gourmet #LonelyPlanet #MacedoniaTravel
Planning to fly this summer? Check out the OZONE Krushevo Open 2018 - a friendly and low-stress cross country competition designed for capable pilots who do not yet have extensive competition experience. #paragliding #Krushevo #Macedonia #MacedoniaTravel
Strumica Carnival - a tradition centuries old. Back in 1670, Evliya Çelebi wrote: ...I came to a town situated in the foothills of a high hill and I saw that masked people ran from one house to another, in laughter, whistle, and song... #MacedoniaTravel #carnival #Macedonia #Strumica
Blagodarnost do site kolegi, i dragi moi koi imaat razbiranje i ljubov za profesijata #adventuretourism i so koi zaedno go razvivame.
Maja DID IT! The third Macedonian woman to climb Aconcagua, 6,962m! Congrats girl, your dedication and enthusiasm are really inspiring! :)
Autant de trésors autochtones qui nous ont séduits et qui aident à construire le patrimoine viticole et la force identitaire du vignoble macédonien. #Macedonia #winetours
So many indigenous treasures that have seduced us and help build the wine heritage and the identity force of the Macedonian Vineyard.As part of our company initiative to support young hikers in their challenges, we are very happy to sponsor the expedition to Aconcagua (6.962m) under the leadership of Maja Boskoska this winter, alongside the Federation of Mountaineering sports of Macedonia. Maja, wave the Macedonian flag on Aconcagua dear!
Како дел од нашата иницијатива за поддршка на младите планинари во нивните подвизи, оваа зима ја поддржуваме експедицијата за искачување на Аконкагва (6.962м) предводена од страна на планинарката Maja Boskoska заедно со Federacija na Planinarski Sportovi na Makedonija. Maичка, развеј го македонското знаме на Аконкагва!