Во И-Лаб ви помагаме да ја предизвикате статус-кво состојбата: Како до одлични идеи? Како да ги потврдите и унапредите? Како да стигнат до вистинските луѓе?
И-Лаб е катализатор кој ќе помогне вашите идеи да бидат слушнати, развиени и комерцијализирани. Идеите ќе влезат во лабораторија, ќе преминат во безбедни експерименти и прототипи, за на крај да дипломираат во целосно обработени проекти, со сооедветни насоки од нашите Иновациски Амбасадори
Во рамките на И-лаб, Knowledge Center соработува со мрежа на Универзитети и истражувачки институти во земјата и странство
OPEN UP THE REGION!! REGISTER your /company/institution at INNOREGION and be visible for cooperation across the Balkan Mediterranean Area! #InnoPlatform
From 22-24th of January we organised trainings in enterprenuership in the digit sector for a group of 50 participants from 5 countries of the Balkan Med and 10 representatives of our project partners. We were honoured by the presence of the Minister Fazliu, and Ms. Nikova from MASIT. We are very grateful for the invaluable support from our team of experts,Prof. Marjan Gushev, Dragan Pehcveski, Irena Jakimovska and Goran Kalajdziski; the enthusiasam and drive of all participants, and the support from KC team: Bisera Smilevska, Ivan Durgutiv and Katerina Sotirova. #KnowledgeCen
Educational workshop for entrepreneurship on the topic "Information Technologies - IT", will be held in Skopje, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in the period from 21-25 January 2019, organized by the Center for Knowledge Management within the project "i3". The IT workshop will be held in English Language! Entrepreneurs from 5 different countries from the Balkan-Mediterranean Area will be attending the training!
The IT workshop will include themes such as introduction of... integrated systems – hardware and software for the management of high-tech processes, artificial intelligence, innovative multimedia, etc. The development of the specialized training modules.
The three-day workshop will include the following modules:
• Basic modules: o Business for the benefit society – history of business, international and domestic markets, key-players, clubs, networks, platforms, financing, etc. o Art of communication – success stories, motivation, business-etiquette and culture, get-rich, brainstorming on a topic, etc. o Do the math – budgeting, costs, exchange rates, savings, banks, profit, assessment of risks and benefits, etc.
• Specific modules o Presentation of the state of the sector and competition. o Access to resources, technologies, specific funding, staff qualifications. o Forum for generating business ideas, finding partners and support.
More info about the i3 model – “Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship",
OPEN CALL!!! InnoPlatform project is now looking for individual or collaborative projects that intend to introduce new innovative products or services to the market. Within the framework of this open call each enterprise will be supported from the Centers of Excellence in each of the participating regions in Balkan-Med and exploit specific business tools (InnoTools) that have been developed for helping the SMEs to develop innovative products or services.
i3 trainings in Sofia!
InnoPlatform Conference in the media! Зголемување на иновативните активности кај малите и средните претпријатија #InnoPlatform #KnowledgeCen #ilab
Конференција на ИноПлатформа во Скопје - Иновативни активности кај малите и средните претпријатија #InnoPlatform #KnowledgeCen
Нов повик на ФИТР за финансиска поддршка на старт-апи!