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University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business in Macedonia

Belasica 2, 1000 Skopje


University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business in Macedonia is a school, located at Belasica 2, 1000 Skopje. They can be contacted via phone at +389 (02) 3218 353, visit their website www.ef.uni-lj.si for more detailed information.

Студирај на FELU IBA програмата во Македонија - меѓународни акредитации во САД и Европа.

Contact us: melita.sekulovska@ef.uni-lj.si
or 070-338-570

Location :
Belasica 2, 1000 Skopje
Added by Jopie, at 27 September 2018


Со двете највлијателни светски акредитации EQUIS (за EU) и AACSB (за USA), Економскиот факултет Љубљана е рангиран меѓу првите 55 светски најпрестижни факултети и школи за економија и бизнис. Дипломите се признати во Република Македонија, во сите земји на ЕУ и во САД.

Погледни ја брошурата за студиите овде: http://www.slideshare.net/FELUSkopje/master-in-business-administration-13401965

Наставната програма на Конзорциумските магистерски студии се одвива во Скопје, идентична е како онаа во Словенија, се изведува интерактивно и со акцент на практичната примена. Предавачи се професори од државниот Универзитет – Љубљана и универзитети од Холандија и САД. Вклучени се и потврдени авторитети како гости-предавачи од бизнис сферата.

Дознај повеќе: http://www.ef.uni-lj.si/macedonia

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2 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    06 October 2018

    🏆 By extending its EQUIS accreditation for five years, the Faculty of Economics has strengthened its position among the ranks of triple-crowned business and economics schools and faculties. The FELU thus ensures its students are provided with a high-quality study environment with internationally accredited programmes that in some areas are world leaders.

    The Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana has been given a five-year extension of its international EQUIS accreditation by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). With this extension as its most recent success coupled with the listing on the Financial Times’ global ranking of the top 100 study programmes two weeks ago, the FELU has joined the ‘club’ of the world’s top 0.5 percent business and economics schools and faculties, while providing its students with a high-quality study environment characterised by internationally accredited programmes that in some areas are world leaders. :)

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  • Anynomous
    04 October 2018

    The Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana is proud to announce yet another success because its “International Master in Business and Organisation” (IMB) programme features in the prestigious Financial Times’ ranking of the world’s best “Master in Management” programmes. :)

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