Горно Трогерци, located at Горно Трогерци, Gorno Trogerci, Municipality of Karbinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Криви Дол, located at Криви Дол, Krivi Dol, Eastern Region. [read more]
Грдовци, located at Грдовци, Grdovci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Речани, located at Речани, Rechani, Municipality of Kochani, Eastern Region. [read more]
Лески, located at Лески, Leski, Eastern Region. [read more]
Виничка Кршла, located at Виничка Кршла, Vinchka Krshla, Eastern Region. [read more]
Зрновци, located at Зрновци, Zrnovci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Видовиште, located at Видовиште, Vidovishte, Eastern Region. [read more]
Долни Балван, located at Долни Балван, Dolni Balvan, Eastern Region. [read more]
Батање, located at Батање, Batanje, Municipality of Karbinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Горни Балван, located at Горни Балван, Gorni Balvan, Eastern Region. [read more]
Штип, located at Штип, 2000 Shtip. [read more]
Три Чешми, located at Три Чешми, Tri Cheshmi, Eastern Region. [read more]
Врсаково, located at Врсаково, Vrsakovo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Тестемелци, located at Тестемелци, Testemelci, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Скандалци, located at Скандалци, Skandalci, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Пенуш, located at Пенуш, Penush, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Топлик, located at Топлик, Toplik, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Кошево, located at Кошево, Koshevo, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Горачино, located at Горачино, Gorachino, Eastern Region. [read more]
Црешка, located at Црешка, Creshka, Municipality of Shtip, Eastern Region. [read more]
Балталија, located at Балталија, Baltalija, Eastern Region. [read more]
Липец, located at Липец, Lipec, Eastern Region. [read more]
Блатец, located at Блатец, Blatec, Eastern Region. [read more]
Мородвис, located at Мородвис, Morodvis, Eastern Region. [read more]
Умлена, located at Умлена, Umlena, Eastern Region. [read more]
Црник, located at Црник, Crnik, Eastern Region. [read more]
Владимирово, located at Владимирово, Vladimirovo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Ратево, located at Ратево, Ratevo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Митрашинци, located at Митрашинци, Mitrashinci, Eastern Region. [read more]
Мачево, located at Мачево, Macevo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Безиково, located at Безиково, Bezikovo, Eastern Region. [read more]
Дулица, located at Дулица, Dulica, Municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, Eastern Region. [read more]
Македонска Каменица, located at Makedonska Kamenica, Eastern Region. [read more]
Моштица, located at Моштица, Moshtica, Eastern Region. [read more]
Цера, located at Цера, Cera, Municipality of Makedonska Kamenica, Eastern Region. [read more]