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Cameren crkoven hor Sv.Velikomacenik Pantelejmon is located at ul. Gjore Organdziev B.B, 1400 Veles, Republic of Macedonia. They can be contacted via phone at 078446181 for more detailed information.

Tags : #ReligiousOrganization

Location :
ul. Gjore Organdziev B.B, 1400 Veles, Republic of Macedonia
Contacts :

Added by Jopie, at 16 April 2017



The choir by its structure is mixed-chamber, formed back in 2004 and has worked for the past 10 years driven by its enthusiastic spirit and primarily love toward spiritual music and collective singing. Conducted by professor Slavica Stavreva, the chamber chorus “St martyr Pantelejmon” has participated not only in man musical and cultural manifestations of the town of Veles, but also has active participations the religious services by singing the Divine Golden Liturgy by Atanas Badev printed in Leipzig1898. At the beginning, the choir sang in the temples of the Vardar Eparchy such as “St martyr Pantelejmon” “St Mary” and “The Ascension of Christ”, later in Kavadarci, Demir Kapija, Negotino and Gevgelija whereas today during liturgy in the church “Assumptions of Holy Mary”- Veles.
In the frame of the manifestation “Veles-town of culture” in 2005, the chorus performed at a concert of spiritual music whereas later that year there was a promotional concert in the gathering tample of “ St. martyr Pantelejmon” with part of the Divine Golden Liturgy. The choir recorded a song for the town of Veles, and in the summer of 2006 the choir performed at the Balkan choir festival ”Janko Mustakov-Mikis Teodorakis” in the brotherly town of Svishtof in the Republic of Bulgaria.
In 2007, within the manifestation “Days of Justinian” the choir performed at the choir festival of chamber music in the church “St Savior” in Skopje. There continued performances at the formal academy for the 30 –year –old jubilee of the existence of the Vardar Eparchy as well as performances in honor of the celebrations of “St.Clemen of Ohrid” and the protector of the town of Veles “St martyr Pantelejmon” whose name proudly carries our choir.
In 2011, within the presentation of the Municipality of Veles, the choir performed in Vienna, the Republic of Austria with a concert of spiritual and worldly music in the Embassy of the Republic of the Macedonia by invitations of the ambassador Mr. Gjorgji Filipov. Apart from the Hymns and compositions of worldly character of the choir repertoire mostly consists of spiritual a capella compositions which are the most emotional challenge and an imperative of the chamber church choir” St martyr Pantelejmon” in nourishing this most specific genre of sacral music literature that captivates with it’s spiritual music literature and mysticism.
The choir is named by “St martyr Pantelejmon out of respect to the personality and legacy of the saint-protector of the town of Veles. The choir in it’s repertoire has compositions of domestic choir creation with the aim of nourishing it. Those are pieces by Macedonian authors full of great artistic value, especially with folklore elements. In 2014 the choir had a jubilee concert of it’s 10-year existence in the Gathering temple of “St marty Pantelejmon”.
The chamber church choir “St Pantelejmon” bases it’s main activity in the church of “Dormition of the Holy Virgin” by taking active part in the Sunday mass as well as the Archpriest mass led by the Vardar Metropolitan father Agatangel. During it’s first years of it’s existence, the choir performed throughout the temples of the Vardar valley in Kavadarci, Negotino, Gevgelija, Demir Kapija as well as in the Gathering temple of “St Pantelejmon”, whose name has borrowed. The choir performs the Divine Golden Liturgy by Atanas Badev in the form of responding singing(priest- choir) consecutively. The activities of the church choir are based on the celebration of this patron each year, as well as of the other saint and the invitations of the Municipality of Veles for the participations in various cultural musical manifestations in the town.

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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    08 June 2018

    XV Medgunaroden festival na Pravoslavna muzika

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  • Anynomous
    11 November 2017

    Pofalnica 9 ti Noemvri za 2017

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  • Anynomous
    26 September 2017

    Поклоничко патување во Романија 25.09.2017. Во периодот од 14 Септември (четврток) до 18 Септември (понеделник) 2017 Лето Господово, со благослов на Неговото Високопреосвештенство Митрополитот Повардарски г. Агатангел, а финансиски потпомогнат од Општина Велес и Градоначалникот м-р. Славчо Чадиев, камерниот црковен хор „Св. Вмч. Пантелејмон“ од Велес организираше поклоничко патување во Православна Романија.

    Поводот за ова патување беше големиот љубилеј на нашата Света Македо

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  • Anynomous
    23 April 2017

    Ние уживавме во соработката со дечињата од градинката ,,Димче Мирчев"!

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