The Good Doctor Fanart of Freddie Highmore's character on the show. Digitally painted on #SamsunggalaxytabS3 using #autodesksketchbook #stillpracticing font added using #pixlr. #freddiehighmore #thegooddoctor #marshallese #art #rmi #marshallislands #fanart #JohnnaeartsIslandAirbrush #Johnnaearts @freddiehighmore
Couple of work from this month. Shirt fkr Rosemary L. Rujke and birthday banner for Mailla Leilani Marshall.
Feel free to follow the official instagram acct. and check out more stuffs.
Airbrushed Batman sign with Marshall Islands flag on a Dell Laptop. #firsttime #firstLaptop #johnnaeArtsIslandAirbrush #JohnnaeArts #Airbrushed
Airbrushed hats.. Trucker hats are available.. #airbrush #airbrushhats #islandairbrush #truckerhats #neon
Freehand airbrushed tribal turtle shirt for sale. Blue corner size XL. #freehand #airbrushed #tshirt #tribal #tattoo #marshallislands #rmi
Happy belated birthday Princess Autumn!! Sorry we didn't make it.. #airbrushedmat #autumntheme #airbrush
Trucker hats available now.. message me if interested, got loads of them.. #johnnaertsislandairbrush #airbrushedhats #art #hats #airbrush #tribal #sunset #rmi
Custom airbrush headwear rasta colors with island tribal. For sale $20 first come first serve! More to come soon. #airbrushed #johnnaerts #johnnaertsislandairbrush #tribal #tattoo
The Open Mic Night last night was awesome!! Good Job everyone!! I did this piece live behind the mic.Thank you Jo-Jikum and Kuumba for having me. #johnnaeart #islandairbrush #livepainting
From the RMI spreading the message anyway we can to whoever we can. #1point5 #1point5tostayalive #climatechange #MarshallIslands #frompeopletoanimal #airbrushed #johnnaeartsislandairbrush
Airbrushed hats!! #jabwaki #latepost #airbrush #johnnae #art #johnnaeartsislandairbrush #stencils
Campaign sign for uncle Ladie Jack. #johnnae #johnnaearts #johnnaeartsislandairbrush #airbrush
Had fun doing the tribals!! #airbrush #airbrushedmat #tribal #birthdaybanner #JohnnaeArtsIslandAirbrush
Happy 1st Birthday Lele & Rory! #airbrush #banner #jaki #johnnaearts #johnnaeartsilsandairbrush #handicraft #purple #green