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ISI Island Supplies International - Majuro, Marshall Islands

Majuro, Ailinglaplap Atoll


ISI Island Supplies International - Majuro, Marshall Islands is an airport, located at Majuro, Ailinglaplap Atoll, Marshall Islands

➢ Concrete Blocks
➢ Air Conditioning
➢ Rental Supplies
➢ Boat Engines
➢ Medical Supplies
➢ Medical Waste Incinerator

Location :
Majuro, Ailinglaplap Atoll

Added by Jopie, at 03 October 2013


Medical Supplies - ISI currently provides the government hospitals with medical supplies on a small scale. We have $100,000 worth in stock.

Cement Blocks - ISI currently imports cement blocks and sells them at the same price as the locally made blocks. The benefit of buying our imported blocks is they are made of better quality than that of the blocks made on island.

Boat Engines - ISI currently imports boat engines and sells them to customers at an affordable island prices.

Air Conditioners - ISI currently imports Energy Efficient ACs in response to the high cost of electricity. The state of the art ACs have been reported to save our customers 40-50% in their electricity bills.

Medical Waste - ISI have submitted a bid to manage the medical waste produced by the government hospitals.

Handicrafts - ISI plans to start a handicrafts online shop that will promote not only Marshallese but other island nation products to the world.

Party Rental Supplies - ISI plans to purchase supplies for parties such as TENTS, TABLES, CHAIRS, COOKING SUPPLIES, ETC... to meet the demands on Majuro and Ebeye.

In addition to the above, ISI plans to have a department that will focus on "Hard To Get Items" that are not readily available on island. The goal is to have the customer come into our shop and with the help of our staff and shop online for their items and ISI will have on island within 14 days.

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4 Reviews

  • Anynomous
    31 July 2016

    American made used tires for sale imported from the USA. Call Scott for more info 455-0039 for prices.

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  • Anynomous
    29 October 2013

    ISI 6 inch blocks are imported and are the strongest best quality in the country.

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  • Anynomous
    29 October 2013

    This is the 8 inch block.

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  • Anynomous
    10 October 2013

    ISI Medical Waste Incinerator due to arrive on island later this month (October).

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