EK MOUJ JAB MEL̗O̗KL̗O̗K KŌLN̄E EO AN Passing on the jila (tiller). Kom̗m̗ool tata for all the work you have put in for this Department. Best wishes on your journey.
MAR 130 MARSHALLESE CULTURE: STUDENTS' SHOW N' TELL PRESENTATIONS Today, students will be showcasing their Marshallese dish which is made from traditional Marshallese food sources. See pictures below from previous semesters on how to catch and prepare the jukkwe. Enjoy!
Kwōj ruwanene n̄an am̗ itōn jijet em ron̄jaki mel̗el̗e ko an ri-jikuul̗ ro nejidwōj ilo aer kōnono tok n̄an kōj kōn jibadbad im kōttōpar ko aer n̄an aelōn̄ ko aer. Men in ej m̗ōttan wōt jerbal ko aer em rej aikuj kakūrm̗ool ke rōmaron̄ jutak em kōnono im̗aan juon jarlepju.
IA EO: Ettōn̄aak eo AWA EO: Jon̄oul awa jibbon̄ - Jon̄oul-ruo awa ālikin raelep RAAN EO: Wōnje, Tijem̗ba 13, 2017
N̄e elōn̄ kajjitōk im jabdewōt, jouj im kallikkar tok. Kom̗m̗ool em kautiej wōt
Hermon Hermon Lajar Faculty, Department of Marshallese Studies hlajar@cmi.edu College of the Marshall Islands ----------------------- Io̗kwe all,
You are invited to come sit in and listen to our students as they showcase their public speeches in the form of campaign platform for their respective islands. This is part of the course’s learning outcomes where the students need to demonstrate that they can speak effectively in a public setting.
VENUE: Ettōn̄aak TIME: 10am - 12pm DAY: Wednesday, December 13, 2017
If you have any questions or anything, please let me know. Thanks and with respect
Hermon Hermon Lajar Faculty, Department of Marshallese Studies hlajar@cmi.edu College of the Marshall Islands
STUDENTS DEBATE: YOU ARE INVITED! Kwōj ruwainene n̄an am̗ itōn jijet em ron̄jaki mel̗el̗e ko ilo iien kōbauwe eo an ri-jikuul̗ ro nejidwōj.
IA EO: Old Library eo ilo CMI AWA EO: Jiljino awa jota - Rualitōk awa jota
N̄e enaaj wōr oktak, inaaj bar ennaan waj. N̄e elōn̄ kajjitōk im jabdewōt, jouj im kallikkar tok. Kom̗m̗ool em kautiej wōt --------------------- You are welcome to come sit in and listen during our students' debate.
VENUE: CMI Old Library TIME: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
If there will be changes, I will let you know. If you have any questions or anything, please let us know. Thanks and with respect
Students in the Marshallese Government spent time touring the Judiciary and Legislature Branches' buildings after reading and discussing their own Constitution. Special thanks to Chief Clerk Ingrid K. Kabua, Deputy Chief Clerk Travis Joe, Assistant Clerks Item Note, Tanya Lomae, and Lena Tiobech for arranging our tour and touring us. We learned a lot. Kom̗m̗ool tata, again!
RMI, ilo jetōb in Gospel in, jouj im lale n̄e kwōmaron̄ uwaake lin̄n̄a in. Ejjel̗o̗k prize bwe lin̄n̄a in eletok ad jel̗ā im mel̗el̗e kōn bwebwenato in an del̗o̗n̄ tok Gospel eo. Kom̗m̗ool em kautiej wōt -------- RMI, in the spirit of Gospel, please see if you can answer the riddle below. No prizes promised as this riddle educates us of the establishment of the Gospel. Thanks and with respect
Students in the Marshallese Grammar class role-played their Marshallese grammar lesson plans to find the flaws and fix them for the final round of rehearsal. Stay tuned for more photos. Enjoy!
Students in the Marshallese Culture class visited legendary sites located on Majuro Atoll. Enjoy!
N̄e kwōj kea kōn jeje/riit em kōnono/ron̄jake ilo Kajin M̗ajel̗, ewi wōt keyboard in kwōn kar kōjerbale? ---------------- If you care about Marshallese literacy and fluency, which keyboard would you choose?
Check out recent updates: reports and documents. Send us any comments if any. Kom̗m̗ool em kautiej wōt
PROGRAM REVIEW - ACCEPTED The IEC (Institutional Effectiveness Committee) Task Force assigned to review all academic program reviews accepted the Marshallese Studies Program Review on the condition that you revise the program review to include the following -
1. Reflections/progress report on past work plan (added at the bottom of Section 9) 2. Analysis of SLO assessments (added in Section 5) 3. Improve KPIs in work plan; KPIs must, first and foremost, measurable (added under KPI column in Section 9)
You have until Thursday 5pm to submit the revision.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you.
2017 - Io̗kwe all. Give praise and thanks to Our Heavenly Father for life and health in us. 23 years ago, the Marshallese Studies Program came to existence with three new courses added to the CMI catalog: MR 120 Marshallese Orthography, MR 130 Marshallese Culture, and MR 140 Marshallese Government. Today, Marshallese Studies
1) became its own Department, 2) is offering two certificate programs: MLA and MSS, and 3) offers courses that are now PELL-funded.
ARE YOU the next champion for Marshallese Studies for our youths who will in turn share what they learned with their youths in the coming generations? Most importantly, ARE YOU the next person to maintain the Department's independence and grow it into an Institute? Please apply.