Alele museum is good ..📝📝📝💻💻
This is a very interesting museum. Well presented, with clear explanations in both English and Marshallese. By the way Majuro is an atoll, not an island.
Complete mind-F of a place. They call it an island yet the entire midddle of it is the ocean. Or would you call this a lake? I was told the best way to get across the island is go straight across but found out the hard way you can't walk it, too deep. It honestly is a ring and not an island. So they should rename this place Land Ring 2. after the great Land Ring 1 up in Russia. Great seafood in the spring, might I suggest the Salmon stuffed Crab or the Crab stuffed Salmon.
A small little museum showing a little bit about the history of the island, Marshallese culture, and the US bombing history (and how it affected the Marshallese people) on the outer islands.
It's worth a quick visit. Free to visit, but there is a donation box.
A good place to learn the history of Marshall Island.