Отдых в Черногории, Экскурсии, Аренда/Продажа недвижимости. ВЖ в Черногории. [read more]
Charles Holiday Accomodation offers high standard and comfortable accomodation near St. Thomas Bay in Marsaskala, Malta. . [read more]
MONTENESOFT DOO je naše ime i predstavljamo novu, sistemski zaokruženu ponudu na crnogorskom intelektualnom tržištu. . [read more]
Monaster Morača – prawosławny męski klasztor w Czarnogórze, w jurysdykcji Metropolii Czarnogóry i Przymorza Serbskiego Kościoła Prawosławnego. Położony w górach, w dolinie rzeki.. [read more]
Pure touch offers safe, natural and timetested treatments to rejuvanate mind , body and soul. We provide -All ayurvedic therapies, Spa, yoga & meditation. [read more]
Former politician and current Vice-President Malta Football Association. [read more]
Kad ođe prvi put dođeš teško da ćeš brzo da odeš 42°26'28" N, 19°15'49" E, 42m/nm, Zip Code 81000. [read more]
Auto servis SAVA-PLUS Nikšić. [read more]
Holiday Home for rent in Tivat, Montenegro Ideal for people who like nature and want to rest in quiet and peaceful place, away from city jam and busy life. [read more]
Spend your vacation in one of our 3 bedroom villas with private pool and stunning view over Budva riviera. Ideal for large families or groups. . [read more]
The villa is located in Lapcici, in Budva. It has 300 m2 and is the right choice for socializing with friends and relatives in as many numbers as possible. [read more]
Villa for rent in a secluded location close to Budva, Montenegro. enquiries welcome. [read more]
Oprema i softver za restorane, hotele: POS, Backoffice i Android aplikacije. KRAFT NT TEL:069/416-936 ,069/039-555, 020/290-371 e-mail: info@kraftnt. [read more]
Firma „DRAM“ d. o. o. Podgorica, bavi se projektovanjem, uvozom opreme, izvođenjem i servisiranjem termoenergetskih i termotehničkih instalacija. . [read more]
Majestic Event Design Montenegro. [read more]
Die Bucht von Kotor ist eine fast 30 km lange, von hohen und sehr steilen Bergflanken gesäumte, stark gewundene fjordartige Bucht der südöstlichen dalmatinisch-montenegrinischen Adriaküste. [read more]
Blue media, located at Potkrajci bb, 84000 Bijelo Polje. They can be contacted via phone at +38269263872 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Vukadinovic Family Apartments are located in Dalmatinska Street, in Podgorica. There are 3 rental units for the accommodation (2-5 people). . [read more]
U koliko zelite da postanete vlasnik stana u jednom od najlepsih gradova na primorju Crne Gore, pogledajte nasu ponudu apartmana u Budvi i okolini. . [read more]
Quiet, surrounded by an orchard and vineyard, Celobrdo Home Apartment is a place where you will truly relax and enjoy the beautiful sunsets over Budva riviera. [read more]
Apartmani Pribilovic nalaze se preko puta teniskih terena Slovenske plaze iza hotela Admiral. Na 5 min. od plaze apartmani Pribilovic vam nude potpuni ugodjaj sa.. [read more]
Rosmarino 4-star Serviced apartments is situated close to the Adriatic Sea in the lovely neighborhood of Sveti Stefan, near Milocer, Montenegro. . [read more]
BMW Club Montenegro je udruženje ljubitelja automobila marke BMW. Osnovan 2007 god. Zvanicni sajt kluba: www. BMWClubMontenegro. com. [read more]
Centar za razvoj mladih je osnovan sa vizijom da predstavlja glas mladih ljudi u Crnoj Gori i da ih uključi u javni život crnogorskog društva. . [read more]
Servis mobilnih i fiksnih telefona kao i prodaja pratece opreme. [read more]
Štampa svih formata, koričenje (meko i tvrdo), skeniranje, Grafički i Web dizajn, servis kompjutera,. [read more]
Le barrage deMratinje est un barrage au Monténégro. Il est associé à une centrale hydroélectrique de. . [read more]
Fabulous Private Villas with pools and sea views in Montenegro. best prices and personal service direct form the owners. . [read more]
The Dolac wine was produced from the highest quality grapes of Vranac, Kratošija and Lisičina. In the geographical micro-locality of Crmnica, Mačuge. [read more]
Le lac de Skadar ou lac de Shkodra, aussi connu sous son nom italien de lac de Scutari, est le plus grand lac de la péninsule balkanique. DescriptionLe lac est situé sur la frontière.. [read more]
Качественная недвижимость в Черногории и юридическая поддержка при приобретении и строительстве недвижимости в республике Черногория. [read more]
Grmožur ist eine Insel und Burgruine im Skadarsee in Montenegro. Die Festung wurde durch die Türken errichtet, jedoch bereits ein paar Jahre später durch die Montenegriner erobert, die sie in.. [read more]
Dr Feko – Prica o zdravlju Doktori Vam pricaju o zdravlju – na jednostavan i drugaciji nacin, a u zelji da veliko znanje i iskustvo prenesu i vama. . [read more]
TEHNOGLASS je specijalizovani servis za ugradnju svih vrsta stakala u drumskom saobarcaju. Iza nas stoji 20 god. radnog iskustva�067537835 Hvala na povjerenj. [read more]
Vučji zub is at 1805 m one of the higher peaks in the Orjen masif. The boundary between the Ottoman Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the principality of Montenegro ran across Vučji zub until 1879. [read more]