отличное вино, умеренные цены
Most amazing wine cellar, the golden collection is fantastic. Wines are also very nice. Only one thing that was bad, we got a guided tour that ended in a wine tasting dinner. We were pushed way too much to leave the place. However this didn’t destroy the overall feeling suggest to go visit this place.
daca vrei un vin bun de Milestii Mici la un pret mic , aici e locul.
Прекрасный выбор с соответствующей ценой
Für Weinliebhaber ein Muss!
O alegere buna de vinuri
Отличное вино. Хороший магазин.
Un vin preferat de mine! Recomand localul pentru preturi net mai mici decat in supermarketuri.
Хорошие вина
Одна из самых известных марок вина из Молдовы.