Liceul Teoretic Mihai Sadoveanu is a school, located at Strada Mihalcea Hâncu 111, Hincesti, MD-3401. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 23 542 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gimnaziu-Gradiniță Sărata-Mereșeni is a school, located at Strada Svobodî 6, Sărata-Mereșeni, MD-3447. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 39 246 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gimnaziu-Gradiniță Pervomaiscoe is a school, located at Strada Ion Creangă 54, Pervomaiscoe, MD-3444. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 41 323 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gimnaziul Mitropolitul Antonie Plămădeală is a school, located at Strada Anatolie Plămădeală 59, Stolniceni, MD-3450. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 55 508 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grădinița Fluturaș is a school, located at Strada Victoriei 59, Nemțeni, MD-3439. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 79 467 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grădinița Vasile Movileanu is a school, located at Secărenii Noi, MD-3448. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 44 211 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grădinița Cățeleni is a school, located at Cățeleni, MD-6420. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 53 325 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Grădinița Bozieni is a school, located at Strada 31 August 1989 70, Bozieni, MD-3415. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 59 430 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grădinița Călmățui is a school, located at L/535, Călmățui, MD-3418. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 32 332 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gimnaziul Mihai Viteazul is a school, located at Strada Șleahul Mereșenilor 14, Hîncești, MD-3401. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 25 848 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gradinita Klopotel este o institutie privata, situata in sectorul Botanica, oraselul Codru. Deschisa tuturor copiilor cu virsta intre 18 luni si 7 ani. [read more]
On October 8, 2024, I traveled through Hincesti district with the aim of informing students about the TRUTH ABOUT DRUGS I taught an interactive lesson for secondary school students in the village.. [read more]
Liceul Teoretic „Mihail Lomonosov” is a school, located at Strada Mihalcea Hîncu 126, Hînceşti 3401. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 23 909 for more detailed information. [read more]
Liceul Teoretic Lăpușna is a school, located at Lăpușna 3431. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 51 280 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Теоретический Лицей им. Дмитрия Кантемира is a university, located at Красноармейск, Crasnoarmeiscoe. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 71 220 for more detailed information. [read more]
Grădinița nr. 3 is a school, located at Hîncești. [read more]
Colegiul De Constructii Din Hincesti is a school, located at Strada Gheorghe Madan 6 / a, Străşeni 3701. They can be contacted via phone at +373 269 22 682 for more detailed information. [read more]
Este un gimnaziu puternic și modern. [read more]
Gimnaziul Bujor is a school, located at Bujor. [read more]
Grădinița Onești is a school, located at Onești. [read more]