Die Staatliche Universität Comrat ist eine Universität in der gagausischen Regionshauptstadt Comrat. Sie befindet sich im Zentrum der Stadt (Strada Galațana 17) und ist die Nachfolgerin.. [read more]
Комратский государственный университет — многопрофильное высшее учебное заведение Молдавии,.. [read more]
Komrat Devlet Üniversitesi — Avtonom Territorial Bölümlüü Gagauziya Moldova nın Gagavuzya Özerk Bölgesinin başkenti Komratta 11. 02. 1991 yılında Süleyman Demirel in.. [read more]
ГАГАУЗИЯ день за днем: Язык - История - Культура. . [read more]
This institution offers mostly humanitarian disciplines for study. A few foreign students are also studying here. Updated classrooms and halls. Andy's Pizza across campus. [read more]
Коледж. Супер. [read more]
Very good facility for education. Very bad that only for boys and not from first school. . . . one of the most prestigious educational facilities in the country. [read more]