Our company is working in three different segments: C2C & B2C eCommerce, Operational Services & Warehousing and Delivery / Courier Services. We are launching in summer 2010, and will be able to.. [read more]
Dekart is a company, located at 202 Strada Alba Iulia, Chișinău 2071. [read more]
Misiunea Fundației DAS este de a oferi diverse experiențe de învățare unice inovatoare și dinamice societății pentru crearea și dezvoltarea spațiului digital autohton intru.. [read more]
Distribution Market Link is a multimedia and telephony distribution company established in the Republic of Moldova, with an experience for over 15 years. [read more]
Devolution is a company, located at Chisinau. [read more]
Join us for an amazing journey. A journey of building a global company from scratch. We believe that anyone can build a successful business. Even if you are from Moldova. [read more]
Drancor is a company, located at 1 Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, Chişinău, Chișinău 2033. [read more]
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Deeplace prepares and implements solutions which transform a company's entire business process. All our solutions are technologically unique. We combine the best of classical technologies with.. [read more]
Denimun comprises three divisions:Denimun Business, Denimun Public and Denimun IT. Denimun Business is a division which is engaged in providing products and services for business. [read more]
Comsales Grup is a company, located at 5a Strada Meșterul Manole, Chișinău 2044. They can be contacted via phone at +37368680787 for more detailed information. [read more]
We are a shinning out of the box software development company, with headquarters in USA, Belgium and Moldova. We worked a lot and fought to see our biggest dream come true: professional team,.. [read more]
The main functions of the Chamber of Commerce and IndustryThe Chamber of Commerce and Industry:performs analyses, provides information and renders consulting services to public bodies on.. [read more]
The Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CICDE) is a public institution created by the CEC of the Republic of MoldovaThe good organization and development of elections by complying with.. [read more]
Alliance Française de Moldavie is accredited as a Cambridge English Examinations Centre. Already accredited and recognised as Exams Centre for French exams by the International Centre of.. [read more]
Our company specializes in beautiful, photo-realistic 3D visuals. We firmly believe that visuals are the most powerful communication tool and we can help you create stunning 3d imagery.. [read more]
CAROUSEL🎠 e o lume a jucăriilor, cărților și cadourilor deosebite. În inima CAROUSEL🎠 se promovează valori cu adevărat importante, precum educaţia, prietenia, respectul şi dragostea. [read more]
We are high-end software development company that specialises in building software that is easy to use and maintain. We provide a wide range of services, from web development to mobile.. [read more]
Cvadro Therm ofera un portofoliul larg de produse cu tehnologii energo-eficiente, ce reduc dependența de combustibilii tradiționali,produse ce au la bază utilizrea resurselor regenerabile.. [read more]
The Court of Accounts shall carry out its activity independently, in accordance with the Republic of Moldova Constitution, Law of the Court of Accounts, other legal acts and international.. [read more]
Acordati o importanta deosebita amenajarii casei dumneavoastra sau a biroului? Confortul si calitatea sunt elementele de care aveti nevoie? Personalul Confort SRL va sta la dispozitie pentru a.. [read more]
CreditBun este Organizatie de Microfinantare, creata cu scopul de a simplifica procedura de creditare la maxim, astfel, ca clientii nostri sa poata accesa imprumuturi timp de 1 ora, cu minim.. [read more]
Compania de Asigurari MOLDASIG is a company, located at 63 Strada Vlaicu Pîrcălab, Chisinau. They can be contacted via phone at 022889889 for more detailed information. [read more]
CEED MOLDOVA, este un proiect lansat de companiile ProConsulting SRL și Centrul de Consultanță în Afaceri (ONG), care face parte din rețeua globală CEED Global (Center for Entrepreneurship.. [read more]
CNTM este structura asociativă a 61 de organizații de tineret, care promovează drepturile tinerilor din Republica Moldova și reprezintă interesele organizațiilor de tineret în procesul.. [read more]
First SaaS service provider in Moldova! At the beginning of 2011 CredInfo launches www. XRM. md - the first SaaS service in Moldova. The service is based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform, one.. [read more]
Centrul de consultanță juridică și organizațională „COGNITO" asigură prestarea serviciilor juridice de calitate către clienții săi, asigurând și o gamă variată de servicii.. [read more]
Cherry Digital Agency (now Mediapark Moldova) is a team of website designers, developers, search engine optimizers, user experience fanatics, which mean you are always in safe hands. [read more]
CLOUDINCH is a unique platform, which makes integration of the cloud infrastructure and BIG DATA POSSIBLE. Cloudinch comes up with a series of analytical and automotive tools for online marketing.. [read more]
Located in the very heart of the city, the CODRU hotel is a perfect location for business travellers, bringing together the widest spectrum of advantages needed on a successful business trip. [read more]
Calea Ferată din Moldova is a company based out of Moldova. . [read more]
Imago is a communications and graphic design agency in Moldova. 15 years of experience. Big national and international projects (USA, Russia, UK, Denmark and others). [read more]
Centrul de Moda is a company, located at Chisinau. [read more]
Cedacri International has been a member company of the Cedacri Group since 2008, when it was founded in the capital of the Republic of Moldova. Cedacri International was founded in 2008.. [read more]
Фотоэлектрические панели и солнечные системы "под-ключ" для получения электроэнергии от Солнца. Теплый.. [read more]
Mobile technology and telecommunications retailer. In Conect shops and online store you will find a large range of mobile phones, laptops, tablet PCs, GSM & IT accessories, software and qualified.. [read more]