SCANEXPERT is a clinic with a difference: it has a highly experienced medical team with special care and understanding for patients, in which each member is prepared to provide quality services.. [read more]
Our company provides full software lifecycle services. Company QWERNIK provides services for the design, development and maintenance of software solutions for business. [read more]
Save Chișinău is a non-governmental organization,which promotes the principles of sustainable urbanism and harmonious integrationof cultural heritage in urban development. [read more]
. NET development, CRM & ERP support. [read more]
Ajută antreprenorii să prospere online cu ajutorul strategiilor și instrumentelor de marketing direct. Te afli în locul potrivit dacă ești prestator de servicii, coach, mentor,.. [read more]
Startup Students is a vibrant community of students from each university, which involve the most active members in the greatest initiatives during a year and run a 3 months practical course.. [read more]
Комплексное представление брендов в социальных сетях Facebook и Instagram. . [read more]
We strongly believe that prevention against diseases, allergies and infections starts with the correct sanitizing of the air we breathe, or water we use and most importanly surfaces with whom.. [read more]
SALT Studio este o companie de arhitectură, planificare și design. Împreună cu o echipă tânără creăm proiecte funcționale și comfortabile de arhitectură și design atât interior cât și exterior. [read more]
We provide auditing, consulting, and reporting services in the area of social & environmental corporate responsibility—worldwide. . [read more]
The first online & home medical service in Moldova. [read more]
Spitalul Repromed+ este un spital privat multidisciplinar, disponibil 24/7, pentru a oferi pacienților o gamă mult mai extinsă de servicii calitative, prestate de o echipă de medici profesioniști. [read more]
Servicii de proiectare, reabilitare si constructii de drumuri, precum si servicii de amenajare teritorii aferente constructiilor civile. . [read more]
Sweetland SRL is a family business, which is engaged in the production and processing of honey and the production of natural sweets from quality and premium ingredients. [read more]
This page was created by graduates of the Slavic University of the Republic of Moldova. This page is not official. If it is necessary to transfer the management of the page to the representatives.. [read more]
Vinde oriunde și oricînd. Investește în website pentru magazinul tău!. [read more]
L'azienda "SERVIZI & SISTEMI" S. R. L. fornisce, sin dal 2003, una gamma ampia, varia e completa di servizi di consulenza, anche a distanza, al fine di offrire un supporto agli imprenditori e.. [read more]
Our company offers consulting and personalized marketing services, in relation to the needs of your business. We think of effective solutions for online promotion and in the social environment.. [read more]
Secinschii Digital is a company, located at 142 Strada Grenoble, Chișinău. [read more]
SALUT Service este o companie specializata in servicii IT de administrare sisteme informatice: *Back-End Activities: - administrare computere de birou si portabile,.. [read more]
We're based in Moldova but we work worldwide. If you need a record done give us a shout. . [read more]
SportPas предлагает эффективные решения для мотивации и лояльности сотрудников. Мы уверены, что инвестиции в профилактику и хорошее состояние здоровья сотрудников - окупаются!. [read more]
If you have some business or private interests in Republic of Moldova, our group of lawyers can offer you all kinds of juridical services on our country. [read more]
Компания STARTGEN S. R. L. специализируется на стартерах, генераторах, комплектующих к ним, ремонту.. [read more]
Startup Academy a complete, comprehensive, and practical educational program in the field of technological entrepreneurship, dedicated to identifying, stimulating and multiplying the innovative.. [read more]
Six Points Media is a video production company thatis offering following services:- video content creation services that will include corporate videos, adverts, promo videos,.. [read more]
Student's Help este o platformă online pentru elevii și studenții care au dificultăți în găsirea unui profesor care să îi poate ajuta cu temele pentru acasă,pregătirea pentru examene sau lecții. [read more]
We don't just deliver projects. We work closely with the client to understand his needs. - Focused on quality and customer satisfaction. - Offering optimal solutions and maximum customization. [read more]
Stay Fresh web studio - We doing great projects from prototype to launching. . [read more]
Vă putem genera mai multe apeluri și vânzări cu Widget de la SwiftCallBack. [read more]
Compania de Telecomunicaţii I. C. S. "SICRES" S. R. L. (Sicres Telecom TM) a fost fondată în septembrie 2003, cu scopul promovării tehnologiilor inovatoare de telecomunicaţii şi.. [read more]
Save Resources Moldova promotes sustainable living in Moldova. We also provide sustainability lendings to environmentally friendly businesses. . [read more]
Stellar Solutions SRL is an IT company that specializes in a wide range of services. Our team of skilled professionals offers customized web page development, IT consulting, and efficient.. [read more]
🟥Construction🟩energy🟦Health🟪Architectural engineering🟫Advertising🟨Agriculture🟥International.. [read more]
Консалтинг в области управления персоналом и организационного управления. HR, people management, organizational management, business consulting. . [read more]