Dextrue Labs is an international team of smart technologies known for our fresh blend of world-class production and unpretentious partnership. With technological mastery, we bring together.. [read more]
When you are too busy doing the work, Anabot onboards your new leads. Digital Receptionist answers in a conversational manner all the repetitive questions of your customers without need to.. [read more]
Компания Avantaj-AV была основана в 1995 году и являться производителем окон с безупречной репутации которая работает на международном рынке. Экспорт продукции осуществляется в Европу и США. [read more]
An inspirational project at the intersection of botanics, education, disruptive digital technologies and social entrepreneurship. We offer OPPORTUNITIES TO BE INVOLVED FOR EVERYONE in.. [read more]
Afisha - Information and entertainment portal that tells you where and how to spend your free time, and helps you buy tickets for the best events. Afisha knows everything about entertainment, and.. [read more]
Asociaţia AITA este o oragnizaţie nonguvernamentală, noncomercială profesionistă care întruneşte întreprinderile şi organizaţiile de transport din Moldova care efectuează transportul.. [read more]
Advento a fost fondată cu principii ferme de cultivare a tradiţiilor în producerea mobilei de calitate superioară, unde meşterii realizează o gamă variată de mobilier la.. [read more]
Ask a MOM are o activitate foarte productivă, de 4 ani de zile, începând ca o comunitate online de ajutor reciproc între părinți, și dezvoltându-se ulterior în organizarea de.. [read more]
Сompania Dom Solutions și-a inceput activitatea in 2015, si a contribuit substanțial la dezvoltarea pieței imobiliare. Echipa este formata din oameni tineri, dinamici, capabili de a.. [read more]
Suportul nostru pentru transportarea mărfurilor Dvs. !Suntem disponibili să vă oferim profesionalismul nostru pentru transportarea marfurilor Dvs. !!!În conformitate cu cererea Dvs. [read more]
Decoland is a company, located at Chisinau. [read more]
CHIPS is the country's first preschool with instruction in English, committed to inquiry-based learning and international mindedness. CHIPS - Where learning begins. [read more]
Big electronics store with lots of stuff. In the evening it is empty, you can safely choose the goods you need. They accept cards. The entrance is equipped with a ramp, you can enter with an.. [read more]
Lexicon-Clasic, located at Strada 31 August 1989 62, Chişinău 2012. They can be contacted via phone at +373 795 68 274 for more detailed information. . [read more]
I bought a sink ANNOVI REVERBERI 7. 0 Dual Power 2800w 160bar 700l/h. Was very pleased with the sink. For the money this is a great car wash. For washing paving slabs and washing carpets there is.. [read more]
I recommend with confidence. The real professionals have quality products at relevant prices 👍⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. [read more]
A big thank you to Rimobel for the kitchen of our dreams. It was a great pleasure to collaborate with the designer Pelin Dionis, thanks to his recommendations, our kitchen became even more.. [read more]
Byone. md - magazin online de telefoane mobile, gadgeturi, electrocasnice la prețuri avantajoase. . [read more]
Balonic is a company, located at Chisinau. They can be contacted via phone at 060190565 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Ce poate fi mai frumos decât să primești flori și să te bucuri de prospețimea și mireasma lor îmbietoare?Poate doar. . . să le oferi. Proaspete, săptămânal, celor mai dragi.. [read more]
We had a really nice driver that offered us a free ride as a part of February special offer. Highly recommended!. [read more]
Bizconcept SRL is a company, located at 23 a Strada București, Chișinău. [read more]
Мы молодая команда которая занимается созданием информационно-развлекательного контента для аудитории 15-25. В наличии качественное оборудование для звукозаписи. [read more]
Metro Chișinău, located at Strada Chișinău, Stăuceni, MD-2020. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 400 113 for more detailed information. . [read more]
The Association of Young Diplomats of the Republic of Moldova represents the community of young people who promote diplomacy in society and contribute to the development of personal skills.. [read more]
Angular Magic represents a small community of Angular Developers which create open source projects for other developers. . [read more]
Aventurine Tech oferă o gamă completă de servicii pentru automatizare a proceselor de contabilitate și management bazate pe 1C. Specialiștii noștri sunt profesioniști, cu mulți ani.. [read more]
ADIL Moldova - the business association representing the sector, which brings together the companies and organizations active in the following sectors:- Development & Construction;- Industrial.. [read more]
Мы — диджитал агентство ADMIX, состоящее из активных, искусных и требовательных молодых людей. В работе дружим с прогрессом, не любим бардак, уделяем внимание деталям. [read more]
Мы специализируемся на профессиональной уборке, ориентированной на удовлетворение потребностей каждого клиента в любой сфере. Наш девиз - "Мы делаем то что умеем и любим". [read more]
AFAN reprezintă şi apără drepturile şi interesele fotbaliştilor profesionişti şi amatori din Divizia Nationala şi din ligile inferioare de fotbal, inclusiv fotbal feminin, futsal,.. [read more]
Clinică de Medicină Estetică și Chirurgie Plastică ,,Alter-MED"Clinică Polivalentă de Frumusețe ce acordă servicii de consultație și asistență în domeniul chirurgiei plastice.. [read more]
Alternative NGO is a company, located at 10 Strada Calea Ieşilor, Chișinău 2069. [read more]
Agenția Aron Group SRL a fost fondată în 2008 ca agenție de turism. Cinci ani mai târziu, in 2013 a fost efectuat un rebranding din Easy Travel in Aron, tot atunci a fost deschis un oficiu.. [read more]
The "Action for Justice" NGO is an active community of young lawyers, counting more than 60 professionals from different fields of law. Among the legal professions we encounter: Attorneys at.. [read more]
Ad Astra Group, LLC is a company, located at 81 Strada Mihail Kogălniceanu, Chisinau. [read more]