Спорт зал хороший. Персонал приветливый. Четверо сказал, так как не все тренажёры всегда работают и некоторые из них не помешало бы обновить. Если был бы ещё и бассейн, было бы вообще замечательно. [read more]
В реанимации профессиональные доктора,мед. персонал. Очень быстро оказывают помощь,первый раз убедилась перед кесарево сечением,а потом с ребёнком с анемией 3 степени. [read more]
Детское узи всего за 200 лей. Результаты красиво распечатаны на принтере, а не криво накоряканы на бумажке ужасным подчерком. . Analize rapide si eficiente, medici cu inima mare. [read more]
хороший сервис. есть выбор. относительно недорого. не забудьте получить 10% скидку у них на сайте. [read more]
I would like to sincerely thank the MAI Hospital, namely the Surgery Department No. 1, Mr. Vladimir and the medical collaborators who honor their service obligations with great tact.. [read more]
Много научных книг. . Только меня туда не пустили(. [read more]
Un local foarte interesat, copiii pot gasi carti diverse pentru lectura. Mereu se petrec diferite concursuri, cluburi pe tematica diferita cum ar fi clubul de limbi straine, clubul de robotica.. [read more]
Good. But little expensive. . Nice marker, buy during pick hours it's huge queues , not enough workers. Usual supermarket, nothing special. [read more]
Nina Sestacov Institutul Oncologic din Chisinau, este o instanta mafiota. Medicii isi bat joc de bolnavi,refuza sa presteze preparate contra durere,storc bani din rudele bolnavilor. [read more]
EN : I was here recently in a narrow circle of people. Guide presented us ancient books and manuscripts, it was quite goo and interesting. I Saw Projects for the renovation of the library.. [read more]
The vintage deco + making a biblio throws yourself in a yotal different time. it is worth a visit, if you are in the neighbourhood. . I've found the material i was searching for, the stuff is.. [read more]
Добро пожаловать. . E biserica numarul 1. [read more]
Este locul unde te poti intilni cu Dumnezeu si oameni dragi. O biserică foarte frumoasă și generoasă. . Ne-a plăcut tot timpul la această biserică. . [read more]
Atlantic is a clothing store, located at Chisinau. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 884 949 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Giotelli is a clothing store, located at Giotelli, c. c. Atrium, etaj 2, Strada Albişoara 4, Кишинэу. [read more]
Max Fashion is a clothing store, located at Strada Albişoara 4, Chișinău 2001. They can be contacted via phone at +373 686 68 441 for more detailed information. [read more]
Marca Feodora is a clothing store, located at Bulevardul Constantin Negruzzi 4 Bd. C. Negruzzi 4, Chișinău, Кишинэу. [read more]
Haine chisinau | REGALE is a shoe store, located at Atrium etaj 3 but 3033, Strada Albişoara 4, Chișinău 2001. They can be contacted via phone at +373 607 27 212 for more detailed information. [read more]
Думаю можно что-то подобрать себе или девушке,консультанты помогут!. Отличная компания, опытные консультанты, качественная продукция!. [read more]
Банкетний зал ''Succes'' Succes-Cafe – создан специально для проведения торжественных мероприятий, приемов,.. [read more]
Ferestre Pvc MD - Preturi Modele Ferestre Termopan Moldova, Chisinau. is a car repair, located at Ferestre Pvc Ferestre pvc chisinau Ferestre pvc chisinau Fresestre pvc Ferestre PVC chisinau.. [read more]
Отличная компания, опытные консультанты, качественная продукция!. [read more]
Вкусно и красиво. Μου άρεσε πολύ. обожаю сладости из этой патисарии). [read more]
Logos Church is a church, located at N. , Strada Nicolae Titulescu 18, Кишинэу. They can be contacted via phone at +373 671 50 800 for more detailed information. [read more]
Тысяча кирпичей. . Pe timpuri in acest magazin se gasea orice, acum numai produse din China. . [read more]
They can rent a pretty nice new car, for example Reno Logan or better. The price on days leaves absolutely not high, we took for two weeks on winter holidays, not strong expenses. [read more]
Reducere cea mai mare de 70 procente. [read more]
Хорошая Церковь. . [read more]
Cafea Espresso is a cafe, located at Chisinau. They can be contacted via phone at +373 602 41 010 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Простой, но удобный, чистый, просторный зал. Всегда рады всем, кто пришел. Встречи проводятся два раза в неделю. Изучается Библия. Встречи начинаются и заканчиваются молитвой. [read more]
Beautiful place, quiet, calm, clean! When the renovations are completed, I think it will be one of the most visited in Chekany!. Very beautiful. 👍. [read more]
SRL "Agro-Hidraulic" is a car repair, located at 426, Str. Muncești, Băcioi. They can be contacted via phone at +373 795 34 698 for more detailed information. [read more]
S. C. "Tehnopol-Prim" S. R. L. . [read more]
printshop. md is a store, located at Casa Presei of 310, Strada Pușkin 22, Кишинэу 2012. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 232 378 for more detailed information. [read more]
“Fiindcă atât de mult a iubit Dumnezeu lumea, că a dat pe singurul Lui Fiu, pentru ca oricine crede în El să nu piară, ci să aibă viaţa veșnică. ” Ioan 3:16 . [read more]
MARRY ME - Свадебный Салон is a clothing store, located at Strada Armenească 22, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 279 770 for more detailed information. [read more]