Place is ok, quality is good but nusic was oriented on some west tourists, to much rnb and other making us tired stuff for "black" guys. Music awfull, but guys behind the bar and people arround.. [read more]
KASTEEL producator de tigla metalica is a store, located at Strada Uzinelor 5, Chișinău, Chișinău 2023. They can be contacted via phone at +373 693 00 031 for more detailed information. [read more]
Awesome beer! All types on the tap. The owner can be really proud on his beer. I had a honour to talk with him about beer and techniques of production. [read more]
Компания «Dicon» S. R. L. предлагает своим партнерам широкий спектор своей качественный продукции. За годы своего существования, с 1996 г. , компания «Dicon» S. [read more]
Я очень доволен, что выбрал именно магазин 1000kw. Цены вполне доступные и, при этом, обслуживание достойное. Брал несколько раз кабель питания и мелочь некоторую для монтажа. [read more]
Manopera este o companie ce activează pe piața producției de obiecte sanitare începând cu anul 2007, fiind prima si unica firmă care au introdus in Republica Moldova tehnologia de fabricare.. [read more]
Отличная компания. Супер персонал!!! Хороший выбор!. Классная фирма по электромонтажу !. Отличная компания по электромонтажу. [read more]
Vents is an electronics store, located at Chisinau. [read more]
Magazinul e frumos. Personalul e amabil. Totuşi, să lase glumele şi discuţiile personale, atunci când în sală sunt cumpărători. . Огромный выбор по своему направлению, работа персонала на высоте. [read more]
Această companie este una dintre cele mai populare. Ea distribuie la magazinele noastre mărfuri. Хороший дистрибьютор. Acest depozit este cel mai bine organizat. [read more]
Cu hramul Adormirii Maicii Domnului. [read more]
Great store, with a great selection of goods. Registration with the document and purchase with a personal card :-) The choice is really big. You need to come by car. [read more]
Great selection! Service is good. . High quality service!!!. Great prices and a lot of choices. You can buy at sales a buch of good items!. [read more]
Hespera aveți o echipă minunată. Fetițele foarte receptive mi-au răspuns la multitudinea de întrebări pe care le-am avut și cu multă grijă s-au ocupat de problema cu care m-am adresat. [read more]
Официальный дилер John Deere в Молдове. Дилерский центр Jонn Deere В Молдове. Хорошая техника!. [read more]
Good Soundsystem. Great Artists & DJs Nice Club for the weekend. Nice disco, the only one organizing interesting concerts with international singers. [read more]
Chisinau's Military Museum has a good collection of military-related displays covering World War II, the Soviet war in Afghanistan, Moldovan military participation as first-responders following.. [read more]
Muzică bună, a fost o atmosferă veselă. E posibilă rezervarea din timp. Recomand acest club. . Nice place for dancing, lots of space don't have to pay for the table!. [read more]
A nice and clean cinema, with quite a few screens and good movie selections. Staff members are not very polite, nor friendly (I don't think they enjoy working there and they don't like.. [read more]
Музыка хорошая, континент не очень. [read more]
Sectorul Centru, located at Sectorul Centru, Chisinau. [read more]
Анонимные Наркоманы ,Группа "Обратная связь", located at Strada 31 August 1989, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +373 606 63 388 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хорошая фирма, приветливые сотрудники, низкие цены, просто молодцы!. [read more]
Dental. md is a dentist, located at etajul 1, Strada Mioriţa 5/6, Chișinău 2028. They can be contacted via phone at +373 697 09 621 for more detailed information. [read more]
Medici experimentați, personal calificat şi în general foarte bine. [read more]
Radmila Service is a veterinary care, located at Calea Ieşilor 3/2, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 745 236 for more detailed information. [read more]
DiaVet is a veterinary care, located at Матей Бассараб 9/1, Кишинэу. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 323 083 for more detailed information. [read more]
Супер мне понравилось. Сервис и персонал первосортный. Внимательно, аккуратно и детально лечения. СПАСИБО ВАМ!. Best service ever, knowledgeable crew!. [read more]
Очень довольна работой этой клиники. Приятные и опытные ветеринары, доступные цены. medici buni. recomand. [read more]
Супер врач Рустам. Удаляли зубной камень собаке под общим наркозом и остались очень довольны результатом(зубки белоснежные)правильно рассчитана доза наркоза и профессионально выполнена чистка зубов. [read more]
Clinica e ok, medicamente la orice dorință si problemă. Prețurile sunt putin ridicate! Medicii nu mereu sunt amabili. . Очень хорошая клиника, замечательное обслуживание, опытные специалисты!. [read more]
I brought my baby girl and needed a certificate. It took about 10 minutes to get it. Super quick and professional. . Super!!!. Super. The staff is awesome I was out in minutes. [read more]
VETASIST este cea mai tare clinică din Chişinău şi în general din Republica Moldova! Cu medici veterinari profesionişti şi foarte respectuoşi, dotată cu echipament medical şi.. [read more]
Clinica Veterenara is a veterinary care, located at Strada Ismail 23, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 542 244 for more detailed information. [read more]
Un magazin online bun. . Не плохая обувь, да и сами вези тоже хороши. Рекомендую. . [read more]
Жаль, что из всей сети магазинов остался только 1 на Букурешть. Консультанты приветливые, знающие товар... [read more]