SA Zidarul Iscusit, located at Biruința. They can be contacted via phone at +373 262 60 388 for more detailed information. . [read more]
PIetris SA, located at Balti. They can be contacted via phone at +373 22 615 588 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Biserica de zid plan triconc. Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Biserica Zîrnești "Sf. Gheorghe" Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Companie specializata in domeniul asigurarii integritatii personale si materiale atat a persoanelor fizice cat si juridice. Angajati profesionisti. . [read more]
Biserica Soloneț, cu hramul "Sf. Arh. Mihail" Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Soft Service, located at str. Alexei Mateevici 29, Fălești 5902. They can be contacted via phone at +373 682 76 629 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Agentia Nationala de ocupare a fortei de munca, located at Strada Pușkin 10, Bălți 3100. They can be contacted via phone at +373 231 20 522 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хороший специализированный магазин оборудования Karcher. . [read more]
wadim. pro, located at Academician Vladimir Belousov, 41/33, Balti 3101. They can be contacted via phone at +373 697 29 070 for more detailed information. [read more]
Biserica Pîrlița "Naşterea Maicii Domnului" Monument ocrotit de stat. E o biserică foarte frumoasă. [read more]
Прохожу озонотерапию в клинике Эмануил уже в течении 5 лет. вежливые медики и качественное лечение. по рецепту врача в аптеке клиники получаю некоторые бесплатные лекарства. [read more]
Drumuri si carari distruse. [read more]
Biserica Popeștii de Sus, hramul in cinstea "Naşterea Maicii Domnului" Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
www. cociug. pro, located at Călărasi. [read more]
Biserica cu un parinte perfect. . . recoman la toti doritorii de a pleca acolo. . [read more]
Biserica Dereneu "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" Monument ocorotit de stat. Biserica "Adormirea Maicii Domnului" Monument ocorotit de stat. [read more]
Отлично!! рекомендую!!. [read more]
Parohia Climauti Donatii, located at satul climauti, Donduseni. They can be contacted via phone at +373 682 54 112 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Biserica cu hramul Sfântul Nicolae. Monument istoric ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Нормальное место. [read more]
Есте ун лок минунат. [read more]
Libert Tur, located at Strada P. Boțu, Bălți. They can be contacted via phone at +373 691 84 111 for more detailed information. . [read more]
SRL Granstalia-serv, located at Balti. They can be contacted via phone at +373 791 01 745 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Мой дом рядом. [read more]
Biserica Gordinești "Înălţarea Domnului" Monument ocrotit de stat. Biserica "Înălţarea Domnului" Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Biserica Echimăuți "Sf. Ioan Teologul" Monument ocrotit de stat. Biserica "Sf. Ioan Teologul" Monument ocrotit de stat. [read more]
Centrul republican de reabilitare pentru copii, tratamentul este gratuit cu indreptare de la medical de familie, ofera o gama larga de tratament: kinetoterapie, bazin, parafin. [read more]
Оценка четыре, потому что много очередей и есть не все специалисты. [read more]
Am primit o consultatie demna de un bun specialist. . [read more]
Federația Națională TaeKwon-Do G. T. F. , located at Strada Sfatul Țării, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +373 690 04 338 for more detailed information. [read more]
Orange Partener, located at Vulcănești. [read more]
Aurvin, located at Vulcăneşti Gară. [read more]
Araco-Exim SRL, located at strada Libertatii, 3, Ştefan Vodă. They can be contacted via phone at +373 690 02 801 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Типография TesLine, located at Strada Manoilov 57, Tiraspol. They can be contacted via phone at +373 777 80 260 for more detailed information. . [read more]