Originally from the town of Orhei in the Republic of Moldavia, Nicoleta was trained in painting knowledge and techniques in her home town, before moving to Chisinau with the intention of.. [read more]
National Anticorruption Center is a law enforcement organization based in Republic of Moldova. . [read more]
We believe the more you need technology to fuel your business, the more you need expert, caring people to be there for you. When we say fully managed, we mean it. [read more]
NAYADA-Moldova is a company, located at 3/2 Strada Studenților, Chișinău. [read more]
NGO BIOS is one of the leader in the area of environmental protection, sustainable agriculture and community development in the Republic of Moldova. NGO BIOS devotes all its efforts to.. [read more]
Centrul Național al Cinematografiei din Republica Moldova este o instituție publică abilitată să implementeze politici de stat în domeniul cinematografiei, are statut de persoană juridică.. [read more]
NUMROS is a leading recruitment agency for candidates and employers in the IT & Digital Marketing sector. Our consultants are dedicated exclusively to selected industry sectors, technologies.. [read more]
INSURANCE - REINSURANCE BROKER "NOVA BROKER" Ltd. was registered at the State Registration Chamber on 23. 04. 2010 no. 1010600014500 (certificate of state registration no. [read more]
Oferim servicii de instruire și consultanță în domeniul afacerilor. Abordăm cu seriozitate maximă fiecare client și contextul său. . [read more]
MNTP STUDIOS is a company, located at Chisinau. [read more]
Мебель на заказ/Mobila la comanda. [read more]
Myllagården is a company, located at Edineţ District. [read more]
Более 20 лет профессионального успеха!«MEGASPORT» САМЫЙ ТРЕНАЖЕРНЫЙ МАГАЗИН СТРАНЫКомпания «MEGASPORT» уверенно лидирует на рынке спортивных товаров в Молдове. [read more]
Moldova Energy Projects Implementation Unit (MEPIU), is an independent, non-profit legal entity. The task of MEPIU is to ensure the efficient implementation of the projects in the energy.. [read more]
MOGO este o companie care operează în 12 țări, scopul căreia este să ofere soluții de finanțare sigure și eficiente. . [read more]
Оффлайн/Онлайн обучение Рекламе и Маркетингу. [read more]
Primul și cel mai mare sistem colectiv autorizat în vederea preluării Responsabilității Extinse a Producătorilor pentru toate tipurile de #DEEE & #DBA. [read more]
Metos USA began functioning as an independent, strategic marketing entity in January 2012. Metos USA operates as a manufacturer's representative of Pessl Instruments (Metos®). [read more]
German Second-hand furniture showroom. . [read more]
Proiectul „MOVE IT like Lublin - a Chisinau Sustainable Development Initiative", un parteneriat între Primăria Chișinău și Primăria Lublin (Polonia), finanțat de Uniunea Europeană, are.. [read more]
MARTIN LOFT is a company, located at Chisinau. [read more]
MOLDOX International Documentary Film Festival for Social Change is the only documentary film festival in Moldova dedicated exclusively to non-fiction films with content of significant.. [read more]
moldovalive is a broadcast media company, which main purpose is to provide relevant and verified news, that describe best the current situation in Republic of Moldova. [read more]
Агентство недвижимости Риэлторские услугиПродажа Аренда недвижимостиПоиск.. [read more]
mateco is a top 3 leading European Rental Company and the largest access rental company in the regional market. Established in 2008, mateco Moldova currently provides state of the art,.. [read more]
Moldova Cyber Week is a company, located at 9 Strada Studenților, Chișinău. [read more]
Compania „Mellwn" este o afacere în procesul de formare. Activitatea pe care o desfășoară, constă în prestarea serviciilor în mediul online cu scop dea oferi cele mai constante soluții. [read more]
Intensitatea regimului contemporan al traficului rutier cere ca autovehiculele să fie într-o stare tehnică corespunzătoare, lucru care poate fi verificat prin intermediul staţiilor de.. [read more]
MADS video Production Studio Creates effective videos for advertising, events, videos for business. A full range of services from script writing to editing, color correction and sound design. [read more]
The smart way to manage your data using interactive documents that allow you and your team to work together and keep track of any changes. Want a lifetime deal? Please follow the link below to.. [read more]
Övrig partihandel. [read more]
MDL Business — уникальный навигатор по бизнес-возможностям. Покупка и продажа готового бизнеса, франшиз.. [read more]
Fruits & berries. [read more]
Компания занимается ремонтом и отделкой жилых и нежилых помещений. Так же строительством жилых домов до 3-ъ этажей. . [read more]
Animation, commercials and cartoons production for MEAU TV. [read more]
Идея не нова, и сколько уже было попыток сделать универсальный «инструмент для рекламных компаний»,.. [read more]