xprimm. md brings you the latest insurance and reinsurance news from Moldavian market. We cover major news stories, interviews with main stakeholders, relevant market statistics, info about.. [read more]
The educational and technological center for students, teachers and business, founded in 2022, to create a new Web 3 industry and stimulate entrepreneurship towards a new innovative era in Moldova. [read more]
Wayris edible cups are a wonderful replacement of the traditional plastic cups. Beside the fact that these cups reduce plastic use, they have an amazing taste as well. [read more]
Computer systems for the automation of business processes and enterprise management. . [read more]
Workval is like a reference to present for a new job. It shows to companies what your attitude toward work is. Workval wants to be a place where HR will take a look to see the working attitude of.. [read more]
Webit Success is a company, located at 45 Strada Mitropolit Gavriil Bănulescu-Bodoni, Chișinău 2012. They can be contacted via phone at +37369304171 for more detailed information. [read more]
Assistant represents at the beginning the first product which is Booking. A service that helps businesses that are involved in managing appointments to streamline their clients/patients.. [read more]
Founded in 1994, Vulfarm - a strong, mature brand appreciated by customers, a fact confirmed by the constantly obtained awards, year after year: "Golden Mercury", "Notorium", "Brand of the Year". [read more]
Valentin coached over 800 people in the past 3 yearsHe worked with all sorts of problems from single women with PTSD to Multi Millionaires that were unhappy with their lives His superpower is.. [read more]
VamilAgro-Top is a leading apple producer from Moldova. Exports to Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and beyond. . [read more]
Obiectivul nostru de bază constă în prestarea serviciilor la cel mai înalt nivel, căci considerăm că șoferii merită să i se ofere cele mai calitative servicii, ca să ajungă cu bine.. [read more]
Biroul de arhitectură și design Visarh a pornit de la visul unui grup de tineri pasionați și îndrăgostiți de meseria lor, și azi, ceea ce facem, nu e altceva decât - transpunerea.. [read more]
The Republican Volunteer Center (RVC) was opened in 2014, becoming the largest resource center in the country. RVC is a non-profit organization for everyone interested in volunteering. [read more]
Importator si distribuitor de spectru larg de materie prima pentru industria mobilier si textila. [read more]
Värme- och sanitetsarbeten. [read more]
We're not your "jack of all trades" agency. We specialize in one thing and one thing only: helping businesses rock their ROI through paid advertising. [read more]
Visarh is a company, located at 7 Strada Nicolae Zelinski, Chișinău 2015. [read more]
Online Shop - Wine Delivery - Wine Club. [read more]
Sågning av trä. [read more]
Your conversions are our credo. Let's multiply your profit!. [read more]
Veezify is a consulting platform where people can have video meetings with specialists in certain areas, and get guidance from them. . [read more]
The site of independent opinion polls, where everybody can express their opinions. . [read more]
Verde. md is a company, located at 28 Strada Calea Orheiului, Chișinău. They can be contacted via phone at +37379599951 for more detailed information. [read more]
Virtual Office is the go-to solution for your company. Whether you want to establish a new company or expand globally, we handle all the administrative and operating activities required to keep.. [read more]
The agricultural activity is carried out in Floresti District, where the agricultural land, storages and storage area for equipment and machinery are located. [read more]
Movie translation and voice over services from English to Russian. . [read more]
Valdcongrup is a company, located at Chisinau. They can be contacted via phone at + (373) 78 664-664 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Сочетание компетенции и опыта наших сотрудников позволяет нам находить решение для задач любой.. [read more]
VERUM GROUP is one of the leaders in the agro-industrial sector in the Republic of Moldova. We create value added in agriculture and processing industry through the most efficient use of.. [read more]
De mai bine de 12 ani avem încredere de parteneri străini și clienți din CSI. De mai bine de 12 ani, partenerii și clienții străini au încredere în noi. [read more]
Universitatea „Univers-Moldova” is a company, located at 3/4 Bulevardul Moscova, Chișinău 2068. [read more]
Universitatea de Științe Aplicative din Moldova is a company, located at 2 Strada Ghenadie Iablocikin, Chișinău. [read more]
Despre noiUDent & Partners - o echipa de profesioniști experimentați care servesc comunitatea stomatologică din Moldova ca distirubuitor de produse si echipamente/dispozitive medicale, cu.. [read more]
E-commerce. [read more]
Universitatea de Stat „Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu" din Cahul este o instituţie publică, fondată la 7 iunie 1999, având ca scop pregătirea şi asigurarea localităţilor din sudul.. [read more]
We promote principles of freedom, understanding, justice and human dignity through its teaching and research. . [read more]