
Rugby 2018 (Non-governmental and non-profit organization ) .The project (4-4-2014 to 31-12- 2018) which then moves to an academy that uses sport and rugby for social peace to unite the country and Which aims to form a conscious young generation able to achieve. The project working to create a generation isolated from civil war , Drugs, extremism, fights, and violence, a sturdy working to generation makes all Libyans proud. Sports & Rugby are the best way to achieve this goalCreating challenges, mobilizing youth time, creating sporting cultural and social events Gave them full stimulation with a real GOAL OVER time this way, we protect children and youth from extremism, drugs and crime and (We achieve PEACE ) www.Rugby2018.org

Tags : #NonprofitOrganizationManagement

Location :
Benghazi, Benghazi district