متخصصون في برمجة منظومات الديسكتوب، وتصميم وبرمجة واستضافة تطبيقات الهاتف المحمول. [read more]
At Al Margeb University Faculty of Medicine our mission is to educate a diverse body of students and advance medical knowledge in a dynamic and collaborative environment. [read more]
Libital manufactures prime quality detergents and distributes it to the local Libyan market. Libital has been a market leader in product quality and effectiveness since 2005. [read more]
Founded in 2011, Future Change Makers Society (FCMS) is a Libyan registered non-for-profit organization, that combines policy research, advocacy, and grassroots capacity building to generate.. [read more]
Alasmarya Islamic University. [read more]
The college is a faculty at Elmergib university. [read more]