المنطقة الحرة بمصراتة هي أول منطقة اقتصادية حرة يتم إنشاؤها على الأراضي الليبية وفقًا للقانون رقم (9) لسنة 2000 م بشأن المناطق الحرة وتجارة الترانزيت بهدف تنويع مصادر الدخل ورفع مستوى أداء الدولة. [read more]
The Smart Solutions Company for Smart Buildings and Technical Works was founded in 2014. It is a Libyan company based in Misrata City. The company specializes in meeting the needs and requirements.. [read more]
اتمام اجراءات التراخيص داخل الدولة الليبية لشركات الليبية و الاجنبية الراغبة بالاستثمار- توفير و.. [read more]
RQMANA is a Software Solution and Innovation Company that majors in programming & communication, we are developing several projects that serve different slots of customers like Management Systems.. [read more]
1- DESIGN 2- MARKETING 3 SECURITY. [read more]
Misrata University is a company, located at Misrata, Misrata District. [read more]
An e-commerce platform, providing professional tools for shopping online. . [read more]
The first Coworking space in Misurata and Libya's largest space, a community center for entrepreneurs, independent business owners and students, in addition to events and skills.. [read more]
Hastanemiz Dünya standartlarında ve modern teknolojik cihazlar ile sağlık hizmeti sunumu için tasarlanmıştır. Türk sağlık sistemi disiplini deneyimi edinmiş sağlık uzmanları ile hizmet vermektedir. [read more]
الأكاديمية الليبية للاتصالات والمعلوماتيةتأسست الأكاديمية الليبية للاتصالات والمعلوماتية بموجب قرار.. [read more]
Canary Shipping Agency, (CSA) Is One Of The Largest Shipping Company In Libya And Agent in all Libyan ports,Our Highly Capable Team Is On Call, Ready 24/7 To Meet Any Need. [read more]
موزع معتمد لمنتجات أطلس كوبكو في ليبيا ، بيع، تركيب، ضمان، صيانة. [read more]
Azar company is a Libyan company founded in 2012, aspires to be one of the most important Libyan companies in the field of information technology and security systems. [read more]
Yafa Company is a Libyan company specialized in importing medicines, equipment and medical supplies Since its establishment, the company has been striving to provide the best products.. [read more]
oil inject aircompressor #oil free compressor #stationery #portable #drayers. [read more]
Misurata Marine Terminal was established under the Investment Promotion Law as the first experiment in the partnership between the public sector represented by the Libyan Iron and Steel Company.. [read more]
A Libyan Pharmaceutical Company specialized in importing and distributing Pharmaceuticals, Disposables & Medical Equipemt. [read more]
Lamah Inc. is a technology company that aims to help create better technological infrastructure in Libya by introducing a variety of creative solutions to the market that will enhance everyday.. [read more]
Skyart is a company based out of tripoli, libya. [read more]
linglong tire libya,. [read more]
libyansteel is a company, located at Misrata, Misrata District. [read more]
Gentlemen. . RAFED is pleased to inform you of the following services:• Technical support and follow-up services for operating machines, production lines and industry. [read more]
شركة نجمة الساحل لإستيراد جميع أنواع الآلات الزراعية وقطع غيارها والمولدات الكهربائية. Najmat Elsahel Company for importing agricultural equipment & spare part. [read more]
شركة ڤوياج للخدمات السياحة بعنوانها مصراتة - ليبيا تم تأسيسها سنة 2020. نهتم بخدمات إصدار تذاكر السفر المحلية والدولية وحجوزات الفنادق، وتجهيز الملفات في السفارات وخدمات التأشيرات والموافقات. [read more]
Afaq-Libya is a Leading company in the field of media services, technical processing, and marketing consulting. The company was set up by a team of young enthusiastic exports who have a.. [read more]
توفير كافة الخدمات الاعلامية من لافتات طرقية واعلانات جدارية ومطبوعات ورقية واعلانات دعائية وبناء الهويات التجارية. [read more]
AFAQLIBYA Group is a dynamic and forward-thinking company that operates in a diverse range of industries. With a focus on excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction, AFAQLIBYA Group has.. [read more]
The idea is based on using academic studies to reduce the gap between the conflict's reality and Libya's peacebuilding projects. Therefore, the outputs of research studies will play a role.. [read more]
Auto Care Garage is a reputable and well-known detailing service in Misrata,Libya. Our detailers are completely certified, trained and prepared to handle most jobs, with the professionalism.. [read more]
Kayan Alaqarya for Construction & Engineering Services is a company, located at Misrata, Misrata District. [read more]
مركو تدريب kse هو مركز تدريب تابع لشركة رقمنه للاتصالات والتقنية ويعني بمجال ICT. [read more]
Pachin Paints and Chemical Industries - Libya is a company, located at Misrata, Misrata District. [read more]
جمعية أهل الخير. هي جمعيةغير ربحية تهدف إلى مساعدة الأسر المحتاجة و دعم مرضى الكلى و الأورام. . [read more]
#دليل، الوكيل الرسمي للخط الملاحي Akkon lines منذ أن تم انشائها عام 2018. نستمر في تقديم أفضل الخدمات الملاحية و كافة خدمات الشحن. [read more]
Cipher is an ambitious Mobile and Web development company providing services for business segments, audacious startups, and private clients. We do know how IT world functions and are aimed to.. [read more]
Bridges. ly is a company, located at Misrata, Misrata District. [read more]