
Wesley Camp is a christian retreat center of the United Methodist Church in Latvia.

Location :
"Saraiķu Lejnieki", Liepaja
Contacts :


Wesley Camp and Retreat Centre has a busy time of Christian witness and fellowship at its facility on the Baltic Sea.

The camp is an international mission project involving United Methodists from Latvia and neighbouring Lithuania and Annual Conferences in the United States and Western Europe through the Latvia Mission Initiative of the General Board of Global Ministries. It is near the city of Liepaja on property that was a farm before the church acquired it in 2004.

The importance of the Latvian United Methodist camp may not be evident to those in places where church camps are common. The facility represents hopes reborn and ministry extended to the most ignored groups in society.

“Wesley Days”, the first major summer event since 2005, combined morning devotions and fellowship with afternoon physical labour and fellowship. Participants came from all of the Latvian United Methodist congregations and from other countries.

The Holston, North Alabama and Red Bird Missionary Conferences in the United States and The United Methodist Church in Denmark have been particularly active in providing funds and volunteers for work at Wesley Camp. – Interpreter, adapted from General Board of Global Ministries reports.