Technology entrepreneurship bachelor program "Startup Management" - Challenge-based learning and experience- Emotional Intelligence all through the study program- 90% teamwork - Modern.. [read more]
Baltijas Krievu institūts-Ventspils filiāle is a university, located at Tārgales iela 5, Ventspils, LV-3602. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 624 505 for more detailed information. [read more]
Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte-Ventspils filiāle is a university, located at Kuldīgas iela 55, Ventspils, LV-3601. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 624 375 for more detailed information. [read more]
Mēs piedāvājam mācības ikvienam, kurš vēlas sevi pilnveidot un iemācīties ko jaunu!. [read more]
Studio della lingua e della cultura italiana “Avanti” sta organizzando vari progetti sia locali, sia internazionali della lingua e della cultura italiana. [read more]
https://universitateberniem. wordpress. com/. [read more]
All about double degree master study programme "International Business and Export Managament" , Ventspils University College (Ventspils Augstskola), Latvia. [read more]
Ventspils Augstskola lepojas ar labas atsauksmes guvušo profesionālā maģistra studiju programmu „Lietišķo tekstu tulkošana”. Kopš 2011. gada tā ir uzņemta ES sadarbības.. [read more]
Ventspils University College is a higher education establishment in Ventspils, Latvia. HistoryVentspils University College was founded in 1997 as a self-governing state university college and.. [read more]
Official web page - www. kra. lv Study programs are research-based and organized within an innovative interdisciplinary framework. . [read more]