SIA "Lauku Mērnieks" sniedz dažāda veida mērniecības pakalpojumus privātpersonām un juridiskām personām. Pakalpojumus veic sertificēti speciālisti ar vairāku gadu pieredzi.. [read more]
VALODU MAPE is a language school (English, German, Spanish, French, Russian and Latvian) with more than 15 years' experience in language teaching for youth and adults including unemployed.. [read more]
Ltd. Liepkalni is a bread and confectionery company founded in 1992, with 4 production sites in Latvia and 1 production plant in Estonia. All products have been produced from high-quality.. [read more]
The Company was established in year 1992, when it started operations as a retailer of agricultural equipment. In year 1998 the Company acquired the equipment from Huhtamaki Oyj for producing.. [read more]
Square Audio is a company, located at 12a Purva iela, Valmiera LV-4201. [read more]
ZING ir interneta mediju uzņēmums, kas saviem biznesa klientiem piedāvā mārketinga produktus, kas ļauj sasniegt un komunicēt ar savu mērķauditoriju. ZING ir interneta mediju uzņēmums,.. [read more]
Linenbee engages in the sales of linen clothing and home textiles. . [read more]
SIA "Etepek" - high quality sphagnum peat moss supplier from Latvia. The production is produced according to our client demands. Company provides products started from hobby level growers up.. [read more]
Līga Nature SPA is founded in 1994 and the key of its success is its stuff and care for every client. The delicacy of service, following the latest tendencies of the beautification and.. [read more]
KAS MĒS ESAMRiders Agency ir sabiedriska organizācija, kas apvieno ekstrēmo sporta veidu aktīvistus, instruktorus un atbalstītājus. KO MĒS DARĀMMūsu mērķis ir popularizēt.. [read more]
RIGA FURNITURE consists of a team of experienced and trained professionals who dependably produce woodwork of the best quality. We will ensure you with best advice for excellent outcome for.. [read more]
Piena Loģistika ir lielākais Latvijas piensaimnieku izveidotais kooperatīvs, kura pamatdarbība ir nepasterizētā piena iepirkšana un pārdošana piena pārstrādes uzņēmumiem. [read more]
Founded in 2003 and is a Northern European leader in engineering, manufacture and application of removable insulation systems, passive fire protection and automotive. [read more]
The "Play&Learn" project seeks to establish the use of play and games in early language learning and to promote the professional development of educators within bilingual ECEC settings. [read more]
Iekšējo un ārējo inženierkomunikāciju izbūve. [read more]
Intellitech is a technology company that specializes in software development. For recent years, company Intellitech has been working together with different production, retail, and government.. [read more]
Ūdris R Law Firm is not the largest law firm in the world. It is not the largest in Latvia either. It would be the largest law firm in some Russian village though. [read more]
IT solution for organizations which care about people and looking how to improve their wellbeing. HR WellBe helps identify key affecting factors and design data-based Wellbeing strategy what leads.. [read more]
Fun fact!Most hobby gardeners can only get their hand on hobby quality soil mix. Often heavy with added dirt for volume, muddy when watered and in worst cases - infestred with pests. [read more]
Mēs nodarbojamies ar cirsto guļbūvju celtniecību – guļbaļķu mājas, pirtiņas, vasarnīcas, lapenes, viesu majas, dārza mēbeles, baļķu kāpnes, masīvkoka decorācijas, kā arī.. [read more]
Pamata ikdienas pakalopojumi:Dizaina izstrādeSociālo kontu uzturēšanaDruka un suvenīriFoto, audio, videoWeb lapu un interneta veikalu izstrāde. . [read more]
EchoSports is a team athlete performance and load monitoring solution. For physical part we track distance, speed, time on field and other metrics represented in various graphs and charts for.. [read more]
Lector ir vērtīgu un aktuālu ziņu apkopojums tavā e-pasta iesūtnē. Tas būs kā atlikts modinātājs - vien piecas minūtes, taču ļoti baudāmas. . [read more]
Crafting web & app solutions at ease. . [read more]
EŽU SPĒKSAktīvu, radošu un nestandarta pasākumu organizēšana. Viss, kas jādara, – jāļaujas rūpīgi plānotai notikumu ķēdītei, lai izbaudītu labi organizēta pasākuma garšu. [read more]
As an ultra trail runner, I know firsthand that endurance sports are hard enough. You shouldn't have to worry about chafing, frostbite, or sunburn. That's why we started EPIC: to provide.. [read more]
SIA Dizozols is one of the most active forestry companies in Latvia. The core team has been operating the business since 2002, offering both a complete, comprehensive forest management service.. [read more]
Jāņa Endzelīna Kauguru pamatskolas bibliotēka is a library, located at Kauguri, Kauguru pagasts, LV-4224. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 221 530 for more detailed information. [read more]
Piemājas saimniecība Vīnkalni, located at Kauguru pagasts, LV-4224. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 491 187 for more detailed information. . [read more]
We combine creativity and technology with human emotion to create experiences and solutions that attract attention, create meaningful discussions and increase the customer base. [read more]
Denta M Dental Centre is a dental practice conveniently situated in Valmiera – centre of a Vidzeme region in Latvia. We have a friendly team of Dentists, Dental Hygienists and Dental Nurse. [read more]
Baltic Citrus, located at 31 Ausekļa iela, Valmiera, Valmieras pilsēta 4201. [read more]
Baltic Basketball League "Cup 2016" winner (season 2016/2017) Latvian Basketball League Champions (season 2015/2016)Latvian Basketball League Bronze medalists (season 2012/2013). [read more]
Blank. lv ir komanda, kura var būt Tavs partneris ceļā uz veiksmīgu pārdošanu digitālajā vidē!▪️Web dizaina izstrāde, ▪️Mājaslapu un aplikāciju izveide,▪️Sociālo.. [read more]
We've developed the most sustainable and fun way to travel for the ever-increasing number of people who seek unique and green ways to escape. Available for purchase and rent BeTRITON is an.. [read more]
Adventure Therapy Latvia is a group of organisations that unites representatives of Occupational therapy, Psychology, Team building, Outdoor learning, Art therapy and personal growth industry. [read more]