Upyard is the brand of DIY and gardening product manufacturer which provides the best solutions for gardening. The Upyard brand has strong roots as an offshoot of KRONUS – one of the.. [read more]
Uralmoto provides transportation of cargo both domestic and internationally. . [read more]
Manufacturer and builder of energy-effective and cost-effective prefabricated timber frame buildings and modular buildings. Successful experience in markets such as the Netherlands, Sweden,.. [read more]
We offer our customers to earn, save and enjoy working with the latest innovations in agriculture!Team of professionals who does not believe in chances and possibilities, but do believe.. [read more]
Rezidences "Līčukrasti" ir jauna koncepta mājas nekustamo īpašumu tirgū Pierīgā. Tā ir vieta priežu meža ielokā, pie ūdenskrātuves ar savu pussalu, piedāvājot mājas.. [read more]
FORTISEL is a company, located at Stopiņi Municipality. [read more]
Mēs piedāvājam galdniecības pakalpojumus:- CNC frēzēšanas pakalpojumus precīzu formu un dekoratīvo elementu izgatavošanai;- Mēbeļu izgatavošanu pēc individuāliem.. [read more]
DEKSTEEL - is the industry leader in Europe. Since the inception in 1992, we have been continuously expanding our business. We are renown mainly as a manufacturer and direct importer of steel.. [read more]
We do believe in safe, sustainable and transparent entrepreneurship – the grounds of responsible practice, without which we cannot built a reliable and honest environment enabling us to be.. [read more]
OE Car Parts: BMW, Ford, Jaguar, Land Rover, Range Rover, Mercedes, Opel, Peugeot, Renault, Volvo. Oe Truck Parts: DAF, Scania, Man, Volvo, Mercedes Truck. [read more]
Wellman Logistics is a logistics company that provides a full range of warehousing services - acceptance of goods, storage, additional processing and selection of orders, arranging.. [read more]
We create solutions for the needs of our clients - creatively, quickly and with the highest quality in mind. Marketing that starts from a concept and develops into results that are visible.. [read more]
Marko Kea is a leading producer of wooden pallets and wooden packaging in Baltic states. Founded in 1997 as a small company, Marko KEA now has significantly strengthened its position on the.. [read more]
Kvalitatīvu pneimatisko instrumentu, stiprinājumu, būvkalumu tirgotājs un izplatītājs Latvijā!. [read more]
Par uzņēmumuBūvniecības ABC - būvniecības preču tirgotājs ar 27 gadu pieredzi Latvijas tirgū un 350 gadu pieredzi starptautiskajā tirgū Saint-Gobain grupas ietvaros. [read more]
SIA "Latvijas Pārtikas ražotājs" ražo svaigās kulinārijas produktus — salātus, pankūkas, sviestmaizes un citus svaigās kulinārijas izstrādājumus. Visi produkti ir tapuši,.. [read more]
Our COMAPNYSIA Edelveiss EG launched its operations in 1998 as a producer of customized furniture. Over the years the Company has evolved to produce and install large-scale customizing.. [read more]
From the date of its formation the company IZOTERMS was planning the strategy of its development in the field of industrial production. Having started in 1991 as the trader of steel products,.. [read more]
Web site design and Web development company dedicated to improving client performance through Internet marketing and high-quality design. We provide a wide range of online services including.. [read more]
Optimizējiet savu biznesu! Mūsu profesionāļu komanda uzņemsies visas funkcijas, kuras ir saistītas ar preces pieņemšanu, izkraušanu, uzglābāšanu, iepakošanu, komplektēšanu.. [read more]
For almoast 10 years Interlux distributes medical, scientific, veterinary, diagnostic and surgical products, systems for hygienic evaluation at working places, laboratory equipment,.. [read more]
SIA Getliņi EKO is a company jointly established by the Riga and Stopiņi Municipalities, which manages Getliņi, the largest municipal solid waste landfill in the Baltic States. [read more]
Pre-insulated duct-ware production in Riga (Latvia). We supply HVAC installers and General Contractors in Baltic States, Poland and Scandinavia with HQ insulated ducts for AHU and.. [read more]
Consolis Latvija is a leading company in the precast concrete sector in Latvia since 1999. , offering its customers optimal structural solutions for various buildings and infrastructure objects,.. [read more]
A high quality product, effective use of the energy, protection of the environment and very satisfied customer are basic guidelines of Centrometal company today. [read more]
Fair consulting, smart solutions, qualitative service and logistic in B2B forTork (Essity) hygiene products, Tana Professional and Green Care professional cleaning products, Abena products,.. [read more]
* Transportation services in Baltic States. * Everyday - Tallinn, Tartu, Narva. Vilniaus, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Panevezys. * All regions (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia). [read more]
Baltā Bura Ltd. distributes more than 100 foreign and local productions in Latvia, including such well-known brands around the world as Persil, Rex, Bref, Palette, Fa, Taft, Schauma,.. [read more]
Amber Distribution Latvia (ADL) is the No. 1 distribution company in Latvia in terms of volume, revenues, and profit generated. The ADL portfolio comprises more than 190 international and.. [read more]
AQUILA Harbor Cranes - solution for your company to buy or sell used harbor cranes worldwide. [read more]
Agrera Latvia is a company established in January of 2001 in Madona city, when Girts Vējiņš founded a company "Vējiņš and partners", which initially actively worked in the pig and.. [read more]
SIA Armat is a storage, located at Dauguļu Iela 7, Ulbroka. [read more]
SIA Abilita, located at Ulbrokas Iela 1, Stopiņu Novads, Latvija. [read more]
Latviski runājoši, pieklājīgi, atsaucīgi (gan e-pastos, gan telefoniski, gan klātienē) darbinieki un meistari. Var maksāt ar karti; izsniedz kvītis. . [read more]
Žana Place, located at Ulbroka, Līči, Latvija. [read more]
Mammī Dāča, located at Saurieši, LV-2118, Latvija. [read more]