WOODSMAN CRAFTS is a company, located at 1 Aizvēji, Salaspils 2121. [read more]
Village Priezavoti is developed by family business SIA Priezavoti. The village has been developing since 2006. Currently in the village have been built 17 family houses. [read more]
TimberMasters piedāvā Jums Latvijā izgatavotas, siltinātas koka vasarnīcas. Dārza mājiņas tiek radītas atbilstoši Jūsu vēlmēm, lai Jūs spētu izrauties no pilsētas burzmas. [read more]
Pizzeria Acone is a restaurant, located at Acone, Salaspils novads. [read more]
SIA MedAmber is a company that trades in medical products in the Baltic States, offering its customers the best solutions for the provision of modern health services. [read more]
Biedrības mērķis ir uzlabot sabiedrības veselību, palielinot Latvijā bērnu skaitu, kurus ēdina ar mātes pienu. Lai īstenotu savu mērķi, Biedrība:1. veido izpratni par.. [read more]
CEGEPA Learning Co. ‘s core business is communication. We provide consultancy solutions and tailored corporate training. At CEGEPA, we listen and collaborate with our clients to provide.. [read more]
Brand Marketing Zone Ltd. is a full-service online marketing agency. We believe we are the perfect brand marketing agency partner for your business. We offer up-to-date, complete, and.. [read more]
Woodsball Parks, tikai 20min brauciena attālumāno Rīgas centra! Svaigs gaiss, kārtīga izšaudīšanās un lieliska atpūta, Woodsball parkāvarēsiet atpūsties no dzīves rutīnas,.. [read more]
The company was established to facilitate and promote products recommended by Click Bank and to participate in various programs as an affiliate. Since established Vladimirs Llc has.. [read more]
SIA "EWE" jau vairāk nekā 20 gadus ir uzticams uzņēmums tekstila nozarē. Piedāvājumā tekstila izstrādājumi medicīnas iestādēm (sanatorijām, rehabilitācijas centriem utt. [read more]
One4Event is a sustainable and dynamic enterprise specializing in technical support of cultural, recreational and sports events, festivals, exhibitions and industrial projects, as well as in.. [read more]
Mindset and Heels is a company, located at Salaspils, Salaspils novads 2121. [read more]
Our company was founded in 2007, since then we have created a large amout of individual art and design pieces of metal. We use different kinds of metal to transform it in a light and unique.. [read more]
The mineral materials extraction and processing company "Saulkalne S" was founded in 1995 in Latvia, Saulkalne. "Saulkalne S" is an established and trusted producer and supplier of dolomite,.. [read more]
Our company offers transporter services for a complete range of vehicles. All transportations can be customized based on your budget and preferences. You can be assured that your vehicle is in.. [read more]
10 октября 2012 года, в 20 км от столицы Латвии, городе Саласпилс, было открыто инновационное производство паяных пластинчатых теплообменников EKO AIR. [read more]
Pilsakmens offers you stone facades, stairs, walls, floors, kitchen and bathroom countertops, fountains, pavement, fireplaces and columns of granite,marble, travertine, natural slate etc. [read more]
Ilgtspējīgs un inovatīvs siltumapgādes uzņēmums, kas izmanto atjaunīgos energoresursus un videi draudzīgus tehnoloģiskos risinājumus pakalpojuma nodrošināšanai Salaspilī un Saulkalnē. [read more]
Our aim is to offer the best of natural drinks and food supplements for our citizens! We care human health!www. terrapharma. lv. [read more]
SIA "ORVI" is a specialized design bureau, the main activity of which is the development of technological projects, design and manufacture of non-standard structures and technical equipment. [read more]
Our transport and logistics company PRX LOGISTICS provides international freight forwarding around the globe. We have created excellent freight forwarding and transportation scheme, providing.. [read more]
PERI SIA piedāvā veidņu un sastatņu risinājumus, betonēšanas palīgmateriālus, saplāksni, vispusīgu inženiertehnisko atbalstu un augstvērtīgu servisu. . [read more]
Digital product design and marketing. We create global digital projects: websites, mobile applications, SEO and online campaigns. Our team members have 15+ years of online marketing experience. [read more]
PALAMI Group is manufacturing and trading in ultimate quality LED indoor and outdoor screens, flexible curtains and media fa-çades. The company design complete LED technology solu-tions.. [read more]
The range of our services includes the full software development cycle. From system design to user support, maintenance and administration of established systems. [read more]
Green Space is a team of experts in the production of residential houses with more than 15 years of experience in the Northern European market. Our goal is to provide our customers with creative.. [read more]
Joinery technology company that produces innovative windows, doors and glass facade systems. Our products meet the highest energy efficiency requirements and are always associated with design.. [read more]
Eusti is a company, located at Bučas, Salaspils 2118. They can be contacted via phone at +371 +371 26112250 for more detailed information. . [read more]
EkoAir LLC is a producer of brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHE). It was founded in 2012. It is located in Latvia, 20 km from Riga. Production and design development facilities are located under.. [read more]
Since 1895 DAW has developed, produced and sold innovative coating systems. As an independent family company in its fifth generation, we have continued to grow to become the third.. [read more]
Brand Marketing Zone Ltd is a company, located at Miera iela, Salaspils, Salaspils novads 2169. [read more]
The company offers design, production and assembly of wood drying equipment, corresponding to the standards of European Union. We offer different level of solutions – from individual elements.. [read more]
Experts of timber drying kilns offering design, production, assembly, and service for wood drying equipment. [read more]
Founded in 1996, Baltrotors is one of the fastest growing rotator producing companies and is continually increasing its production capacity. Baltrotors offers a complete range of grapple.. [read more]
CNC routing services. A CNC Router is used to cut, trim and shape a wide variety of materials including wood, plastic, composites, foam, into either flat or three-dimensional shaped products. [read more]