Organizācija "Skolēns LV" ir tapusi, lai veicinātu mācību jautājumu risināšanu un uzlabotu sekmes, attīstītu komunikācijas prasmes, sniegtu iespēju ikvienam Latvijas jaunietim atrast.. [read more]
Silmor – your partner in industrial marking! We have been successfully operating since 1995. Second generation in the family-owned company specialized in development and production of.. [read more]
CEĻU BŪVE UN REMONTS. BRUĢĒŠANA UN ASFALTĒŠANA. Ceļa vai kāda cita laukuma izbūve no A līdz Z. Ceļa vai kāda cita laukuma remonts. Asfalta seguma bedrīšu remonts. [read more]
Esam šeit, lai būtu Tavs ātrais, vienkāršais un drošais risinājums kvalitatīvai mājas uzkopšanai. 💪Ar tikai pāris klikšķiem, tūlītēju cenu noteikšanu un bez slēptām izmaksām.. [read more]
Samsung inspires the world and shapes the future with transformative ideas and technologies. The company is redefining the worlds of TVs, smartphones, wearable devices, tablets, digital.. [read more]
At Solution Rock we are specialised in Salesforce CRM implementations and Force. com application developments. Focused on building the next generation of enterprise apps for your Salesforce CRM. [read more]
ScoreFellas is a web-based platform that enables its users to follow their favorite sports, predict game results, and have fun with friends and colleagues. [read more]
With a mission to unleash the value in data, Scandic Fusion is an IT consulting and implementation company that specializes in delivering a full range of data analytics services. [read more]
Lithuanian – Latvian joint stock company "SG BALTIC" was established in 2005. Key activities of the company Wholesale of the group of products of universal cleaner Simple Green;.. [read more]
Sabiedriba ar ierobezotu atbildibu M-2 engages in designing, producing, and installing road traffic safety tools. . [read more]
Swipe is an Online invoicing and payment gateway. Enjoy free access to the powerful tools that will accelerate your business turnover. United in one Swipe account and available through API. [read more]
„Eiro Constructions" Ltd. is new,but fast growing company. We specialize on production of steel, stainless steel, and aluminum constructions. Types of products: production of steel.. [read more]
Scada — is a professional agency with significant experience in branding, web design and interface design field. Our main aim is to help the client find solution of the business tasks,.. [read more]
Sendigo is a company, located at 15 Audēju iela, Rīga LV-1050. [read more]
SIA Izdevnieciba LILITA is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
A smart and powerful event app and platform. It engages attendees and boosts networking at events, conferences, seminars and conventions. . [read more]
A small Shot and Cocktail Bar in Riga's Old Town. \One of the most popular nightlife spots in Riga\Official name SIA SHOT SPOT. . [read more]
One Reach Solutions. The sentence above sums up everything Sonido is all about. We believe in having a good time doing what we love, and we really do love what we do. [read more]
SIA Ave Lat Sargs is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
SIA Mosers is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
Help at Home is a new cleaning service provider in Latvia offering quality cleaning services to companies and privates. At Help at Home we have carefully selected the best cleaners, who are.. [read more]
PRO DEV LTD is a construction company that successfully combines trade skills with a state-of-the-art approach to planning and building construction projects. [read more]
The Caparol Group develops, produces and markets high quality paints, enamels, glazes, structural coatings, materials for facade and insulation technology. [read more]
Educational travel agency SKAISTI provides professional counselling and placement of students to education programmes abroad:• Foreign language programmes; • Secondary and vocational.. [read more]
SIA Profs Latvija is a company, located at Riga. [read more]
Spacepass is a centralized booking platform for flexible workspace enabling workspace as a service experience and connecting various supply and demand channels. [read more]
By Steps Creative Agency is the generator of ideas for the successful presentation of Your company, goods, services. Don't You accept boring stereotypes, bleak constructions and standard.. [read more]
SummarizeBot – is the data science and AI-driven company specialising in information extraction, structuring and analysis. We apply state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, machine.. [read more]
SIA Startup Holding is a small privately owned investment management and holding company that serves as legal and organizational structure to realize business ideas and hold investments of.. [read more]
The translation agency Sonkeigo was established in 2011 and has grown into a company with clients in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Belgium, France, USA, China, and Australia. [read more]
Sonarworks is the leading sound calibration company in the sound recording industry. Our products are relied upon by more than 140,000 recording studios worldwide, including 65+ Grammy winners.. [read more]
Serveris. lv is the oldest and one of the leading web and e-mail hosting service providers in Latvia. It was founded in 2002 and since then has gained a high level of customer confidence.. [read more]
Latvijas Policijas Akademija is a company, located at 72B Bruņinieku iela, Rīga 1009. [read more]
Lsm. lv is the unified news portal of Latvia's public television and radio services, with a mission to deliver informative, accurate and engaging content. [read more]
LIFE Group is international distribution company based in Latvia with focus on emobility and technology product distribution in Baltic states and Europe. [read more]
Sportlex is a sports subscription platform for employees. . [read more]