Pulkstenu remonts un FotoVeikals. , located at Kr. Valdemāra iela 45, Rezekne-4601. [read more]
Advertisements platform specially designed for farmers. . [read more]
Being based in Latvia and in the UK we operate internationally with contact points in Spain, UK, Norway and Germany. We source and trade premium quality wood pellets (FSC, A1, EN plus),.. [read more]
Zvejnieku sēta Zvejnieki, located at Nagļu pagasts, LV-4631. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 165 392 for more detailed information. . [read more]
Baldas ūdensdzirnavas is a tourist attraction, located at Gar Daugavu, Pušas pagasts, LV-4635. [read more]
Raznas Stavkrasti Guest House, located at Kaunatas pagasts, LV-4622. They can be contacted via phone at +371 20 221 941 for more detailed information. [read more]
Guest House Piladzis, located at Ezerkrasti, Čornajas pagasts, LV-4617. [read more]
Recreation On Razna Lake, located at Malta-Kaunata, Mākoņkalna pagasts, LV-4626. [read more]
Raznas Perle, located at Malta-Kaunata, Mākoņkalna pagasts, LV-4626. [read more]
Burviga Razna, located at Malta-Kaunata, Mākoņkalna pagasts, LV-4626. [read more]
Elizety is a ribbon and clothing tag manufacturing and printing company. Satin and atlas ribbons are printed for a variety of purposes - gift wrapping, conference and presentation neck.. [read more]
SWH SETS izveidotais risinājums "ADLUS" - Automatizētā darba laika uzskaites sistēma - nodrošina Jūsu kompānijas darbinieku laika reģistrāciju izmantojot individuālu NFC (Near.. [read more]
Movie Theatre in The Embassy Of Latgale Gors is an amusement park, located at Pils iela 4, Rēzekne, LV-4601. [read more]
Gors Kino is an amusement park, located at Pils iela 4, Rēzekne, LV-4601 (Brīvības iela). [read more]
Sakstagala pagasta sabiedrisko aktivitāšu centrs, located at Kalna iela, Sakstagals, Sakstagala pagasts, LV-4638. [read more]
Sakstagala Jāņa Klīdzēja pamatskolas bibliotēka is a library, located at Skolas iela, Sakstagals, Sakstagala pagasts, LV-4638. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 640 547 for.. [read more]
Microlines is a Latvia-based telecommunication company that provides telephony, internet and television services for commercial and residential sectors. [read more]
Telecom Talks is a company, located at 88 Kr. Barona iela, Rēzekne, Rēzeknes pilsēta 4601. [read more]
TEP PARTS - main field of activity is manufacturing and supplying electrical components. For more than 15 years the TEP PARTS team has supplied automotive industry with the aftermarket.. [read more]
Midis Ltd is one of the leading ERP systems and innovative solutions developer in Latvia, founded in 2010. Our biggest priorities are detailed research of customers needs, high-quality.. [read more]
"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of.. [read more]
Sunshine Baltics is a retail company, master franchisee of brands Calzedonia and Intimissimi in the Baltic area. Activity begun in March 2015 with the opening of the first 2 stores (Calzedonia.. [read more]
Esam plastikātu logu un durvju ražotne Rēzeknē, kas strādā tikai ar visaugstākās kvalitātes produktiem. Mēs piedāvājam ātrāko logu piegādi Latvijā - no pasūtīšanas brīža līdz montāžai. [read more]
Rēzekne Special Economic Zone (Rēzekne SEZ) is the largest multi-sectoral industrial territory in Eastern Latvia, where business activity may be conducted under preferential terms state.. [read more]
Rent In Riga is one of the largest residential and commercial real estate brokerage companies in Riga city (Latvia). Our company provides high quality services in Riga, Jurmala and Latvia real.. [read more]
Rezekne Higher Education Institution is a state founded higher education and science institution of the Republic of Latvia which implements the study programs as well as is engaged in.. [read more]
Rezekne City Council is a company, located at 93 Atbrīvošanas aleja, Rēzekne, Rēzeknes pilsēta 4601. [read more]
Rezekne Meat Factory is full cycle meat processing company (starting with the slaughtering of livestock and ending with the finished product delivery to shops). [read more]
Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija (RTA) ir beztermiņa starptautisko akreditāciju ieguvusi valsts dibināta augstākās izglītības iestāde, kuras pirmsākumi rodami 1925. [read more]
Фотошкола «PORTRET. LV» ежемесячно проводит наборы на различные программы обучения на дневное и вечернее время, а так же организовывает различные семинары и мастер-классы. [read more]
Full service business law firmThe specialization of the professionals and the joint capacity of the firm are aimed at tailor-made approach towards each client, offering the highest quality.. [read more]
MS-IDI Ltd. is the information technology company based in the city of Rezekne, Latvia. The main strategic direction of our company is custom software development and IT support. [read more]
Starosciki Lejaskalns is a lodging, located at Rēzekne-Dagda, Griškānu pagasts, LV-4601. [read more]
Restobārs Rezidence is a restaurant, located at Atbrīvošanas aleja 47b, Rēzekne, LV-4601. [read more]
Future Football Latvia is a company, located at 56 Rīgas iela, Rēzekne, Rēzeknes pilsēta 4604. [read more]