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Preiļu vēstures un lietišķās mākslas muzejs

Raiņa bulvāris 28, Preili-LV-5301


Preiļu vēstures un lietišķās mākslas muzejs is a museum, located at Raiņa bulvāris 28, Preili-LV-5301. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65322731, visit their website www.muzeji.lv for more detailed information.

Preiļu vēstures un lietišķās mākslas muzeju dibinājusi Preiļu rajona padome 1985.gadā. No 2009. gada decembra muzejs ir Preiļu novada domes iestāde.

Tags : #Organization, #HistoryMuseum

Location :
Raiņa bulvāris 28, Preili-LV-5301
Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

Opening Hours

  • Monday -
  • Tuesday 11:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 11:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday 11:00 - 18:00
  • Friday 11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday 10:00 - 16:00
  • Sunday -


The museum's collection consist of 20,000 storage units which reflects local history, the role of eminent personalities in various county and national historic events. The main exposition also gives opportunity to see famous P.Cernavska and other Preili county ceramists works, ancient tools and household objects of local people, historic photographs, documents, Latgales artists' paintings and graphics.

Main exposition:
“Preili in century mirrors”
Raina bulv. 28, Preili

Email: tekla.bekesa@preili.lv
Phone: +371 65322731, +371 26056076
Exposition working hours
Tue - Fri:
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Sun: Free

In the house of Polikarps Cernavskis (1923.-1997.) Preiļi History and Applied Arts Museum offers an interactive exposition „MŪŽS VIRPAS APĻOTS” (Lifetime Rounded by a Potter Wheel).
There it is possible to follow the development of the ceramist from the making of simple household vessels to elegant and complex decorative ceramics forms and to enjoy the master’s colour games and the diversity of ornamental design.

In the exposition is outlined the contribution of two other ceramists Andrejs Paulans (A.Paulāns) and Polikarps Vilcans (P.Vilcāns), who are the laureates of the year 1937 Paris exhibition Golden medal, and the role of Latgale’s ceramics “father”, art historian Janis Pujats (Jānis Pujats) in the popularizing of ceramists’ work. In the exhibition the visitors can find out also about the biggest achievement of Polikarps Cernavskis in his Preili period – the establishment of Preili ceramists group in 1986.

The continuators of Polikarps Cernavskis work are his son Jazeps Cernavskis and Jazeps Caics. J.Caics has participated in exhibitions in Preili, Gulbene, Rezekne, Balvi, Liepaja, Riga, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Germany and Australia. He is a member of A. Paulans Folk decorative arts studio Potters of Rezekne District. In 1986 J. Caics earned the name of Folk Applied Arts Master.

Every workshop visitor may have a go turning the potter’s wheel and shaping clay.

Address: Talsi Street 21, Preiļi, Tel.
Booking before excursion
+371 29429630, +371 65322731
Email: cencers@inbox.lv, muzejs@preili.lv
Hours : Every day 09.00am - 6.00pm

Muzeja krājumā 19000 glabāšanas vienības, kas atspoguļo novada vēsturi, ievērojamu personību lomu dažādos novada un valsts vēstures notikumos. Muzeja pamatkolekcijās P. Čerņavska un Preiļu keramiķu kopas darbi, novada iedzīvotāju nodarbošanos un dzīves līmeni raksturojoši darba rīki un sadzīves priekšmeti, fotogrāfijas, dokumenti, Latgales mākslinieku gleznas un grafikas.

„Preiļi gadsimtu spoguļos” Raiņa bulv. 28, Preiļos

Darba laiks
Katru dienu no plkst.11.00 - 18.00
Sestdienās no plkst. 10.00 – 16.00
Brīvdienas: svētdiena, pirmdiena

„Mūžs virpas apļots” sirsnīgs stāsts, veltīts Silajāņu keramikas meistaram Polikarpam Čerņavskim (1923.-1997.) viņa deviņdesmitajā dzimšanas dienā.
Talsu ielā 21, Preiļos, Preiļu nov., LV-5301 Polikarpa Čerņavska keramikas mājā

Ekskursijām iepriekšēja pieteikšanās
Tālr. +371 29429630, +371 65322731
E-pasts: cencers@inbox.lv, muzejs@preili.lv
Darba laiks : Katru dienu no plkst.09.00 - 18.00

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