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Museum Art Gallery

Pedvale Open Air Museum



Pedvale Open Air Museum is a museum, located at Sabile, Latvia. Visit their website www.pedvale.lv for more detailed information.

The Pedvale Open Air Art Museum is a State Historical Monument near Sabile, Talsi Municipality, Latvia. It was founded in 1992 by Ojārs Arvīds Feldbergs as a setting for environmental art.Abava River ValleyThe museum preserves the cultural landscape of the Abava River valley.Art at PedvaleThe museum has a permanent collection of more than 150 outdoor sculptures by an international group of artists. It was the site of the 7th International Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron Art in 2014.White PrincessThe park is said to be the residence of the White Princess, a Latvian ghost. She is more often felt than seen, and it said to draw people to come back, or to stay at Pedvale.Flora and faunaThe park contains native Latvian plants and animals, to fulfill its mission to preserve the scenic landscapes of the Abava Valley. Blooming wildflowers include lupins, which are in bloom for the summer solstice. Amimals include the hedgehog, Eurasian beaver, and deer. Birds include the stork and cuckoo. 03AwardsThe museum shared the UNESCO award for preservation and development of the cultural landscape in 1999. In 1999 the activities at Pedvale museum were recognized and awarded the UNESCO Melina Mercuri International Prize for the Safeguarding and Management of Cultural Landscapes.

Tags : #LandmarkHistoricalPlace, #HistoryMuseum, #ArtMuseum, #Landmark&HistoricalPlace

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Added by Jopie, at 01 January 2020

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