A nice camp place near to Baltic sea shore and about 10 km from Ventspils city. In place there are public restroom, public kitchen, a fire place, volleyball playing area, children playground,.. [read more]
Camata Viesunams is a lodging, located at P78, Odziena, Vietalvas pagasts, LV-5109. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 130 342 for more detailed information. [read more]
Небольшой, уютный гостевой дом. Ухоженная территория. Очень приветливая, доброжелательная хозяйка... [read more]
Viesu nams Barži is a lodging, located at Strudznieki, Ikšķiles nov. , Tīnužu pag. , Tīnuži, LV-5015. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 234 725 for more detailed information. [read more]
Top notch and brand new! Though, bring your own food - there's kitchen not bar. It's not for tourists but for conferences and forest research/work related fellas. [read more]
Большая баня уютна. К моменту прибытия был заготовлен камин, мангал, топка бани. Есть шампуры, жидкость.. [read more]
Aivari is a lodging, located at Aivari, Priedītes, Rundāles nov. , Rundāles pag. , Priedītes, Rundāles pagasts, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone at +371 28 612 912 for more.. [read more]
Zvaigžņu māja is a lodging, located at Lejas iela 14, Pāvilosta, Pāvilostas pilsēta, LV-3466. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 408 673 for more detailed information. [read more]
Viss ir ļoti skaists. . [read more]
Vaides «Purvziedos» ir apskatāma Edgara Hausmaņa vāktā ragu kolekcija, kuru veido vairāk nekā 550 ragu, no tiem aptuveni 350 aļņu ragu. Izņemot dažus stirnu ragus, kolekcijas.. [read more]
Smagi vieta atsipalaiduoti ir pailsėti. Super good Atputas veita :). Great and lovely place for families. [read more]
Markiza is a lodging, located at Rīgas iela 7, Юрмала, Jūrmalas pilsēta, LV-2015. They can be contacted via phone at +371 20 003 348 for more detailed information. [read more]
Viesu nams Papes Čakstes is a lodging, located at Rucavas nov. , Rucavas pag. , Pape, Rucavas pagasts, LV-3477. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 402 386 for more detailed information. [read more]
Beachside Guest House Strautini is a lodging, located at Strautiņi, Engures pagasts, Engures novads, Plieņciems, Engures pagasts, LV-3113. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 163 064.. [read more]
Normāla viesu māja, bija labi! Lai gan ziemas lielajos mīnusos vecā māja salst cauri un no rītiem istabās ir +8grādi (ja nekurina ar elektr. sild), kamēr ārpusē -20, toties.. [read more]
Превосходный кемпинг. Есть все для достойного отдыха. Места для размещения отдельные домики, отель,.. [read more]
Cottage by the Sea in the National Seaside Park is a lodging, located at Ziemeļu iela 13, Carnikavas pagasts, Rigas rajons, Lilaste, Carnikavas novads, LV-2163. [read more]
Jaukas istabas un viesmīlīgi māju saimnieki. . [read more]
Te ir feina pirts, iespējams pamakšķerēt, pārnakšņot un pasūtīt viesību galdus. Ļoti jauka atmosfēra un viesmīlīga, gudra namamāte-Margita. . Ļoti labi un sirsnīgi īpašniekj. [read more]
Paegli Guest house is a lodging, located at Paegļi, Limbažu nov. , Limbažu pag. , Kaijciems, Limbažu pagasts, LV-4010. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 289 796 for more detailed information. [read more]
Atpūtas komplekss Burtakas is a lodging, located at Burtakas, Straupes p. , Pārgaujas novads, Straupe, Straupes pagasts, LV-4152. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 451 234 for.. [read more]
Lieliska klusa vieta atpūtai skaista ezera krastā, tīrs, laipni saimnieki. . [read more]
Familia encantadora, lugar super limpio, con toallas, jabón, secador de pelo, kit para preparar el te, cerca de para de autobús (15 min de Riga) y Lo mejor; Dora encantadora!. [read more]
Ļoti mājīga vieta! Pat nedomājam kā varēsim tik ideāli atpūsties un atslābināties! Ieteicām izbaudīt pirti ar pirtnieka pērienu !. [read more]
Very beautiful cosy house in the middle of nature. Very hard to find as it's very well hidden. But once you're there you won't regret. Three fireplace is heating up the whole house. [read more]
Skaisti, tikai labierīcības – WC, duša ir par tālu 200m ;). [read more]
Teicamas mucas šeit ražo!. Vasarā ganjau te ir labi bet rudenī auksts. . Super atraktīvi, pozitīvi, enerğiski !!!. [read more]
Ķiršu dārzs is a lodging, located at Dzintaru iela 13, Pāvilosta, Pāvilostas pilsēta, LV-3466. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 474 462 for more detailed information. [read more]
Pie Jūras Pāvilostā is a lodging, located at Dzintaru iela 15, Pāvilosta, Pāvilostas pilsēta, LV-3466. They can be contacted via phone at +371 25 677 765 for more detailed information. [read more]
Very good location for people who prefer silence and nature. Very nice owner but can't speak English. The rooms are very comfortable and clean. Beach is 10' walk thru a forest. [read more]
Brīvdienu māja Divi Jāņi is a lodging, located at Stadiona iela 6A, Pāvilosta, Pāvilostas pilsēta, LV-3466. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 447 242 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lieliska vieta atpūtai ar ģimeni- omulīgs, tīrs, kluss. . [read more]
Тихое и спокойное место не далеко от моря. [read more]
Iespaidīga dvīņu māja, kurā ir daudz sabiedriskās zonas (koplietojamās telpas) ar salīdzinoši zemo privāto zonu - mazām istabiņām, kurās vairumā atrodas tikai vieta gultai. [read more]
Guest house Pīlādzis is a lodging, located at Ezermala, Čornajas pag. , Rēzeknes nov. , Čornaja, Čornajas pagasts, LV-4617. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 176 687 for more.. [read more]
Superīga vieta brīnum skaista vieta. [read more]