Latvijas Nacionala aizsardzibas akademija is a company, located at 8 Ezermalas iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1014. They can be contacted via phone at +37167076881 for more detailed information. [read more]
Putnu vērošanas tornis Višķos is a tourist attraction, located at Gar Daugavu, Višķu pagasts, LV-5481. [read more]
Gaviezes feldšeru - vecmāšu punkts is a doctor, located at Gaviezes pagasts, LV-3431. [read more]
Gaviezes kultūras nams Ritmi, located at Gavieze, Gaviezes pagasts, LV-3431. [read more]
Our company is operating since 1996 that makes us one of the oldest companies in the Baltic States. We are providing our clients with reliable products of high quality. [read more]
We offer candles made with high-quality raw materials and production technologies that ensure quality and environmentally friendly products. Customized candles and gifts are avaible for.. [read more]
Great Rock Of Nicgale is a park, located at Nīcgales pagasts, LV-5463. [read more]
Dekoratīvi-lietišķās mākslas radošā darbnīca - veikals LeMade. Brīnumainā vieta, kur dzīvo sirds siltums, iedvesma un mīlestība. Gan paši radam brīnumus, gan arī palīdzam citiem.. [read more]
The missing platform to help game developers to find a proper partner for commercialise their game. We have a vast network of game publishers, developers, and designers. [read more]
Konferenču, koncertu, kāzu, svinīgu pasākumu filmēšana. Videomontāža, foto apstrāde. Filmu tulkošana, dublēšana un subtitrēšana. Tiešraides. Foto, video materiālu digitalizācija. [read more]
Dažādu ideju, pasākumu un banketu izstrāde no A līdz Z. Viss sākas ar klienta vajadzību un iespēju izzināšanu, kas tiek ņemts par pamatu atbilstošākā risinājuma izstrādei budžeta ietvaros. [read more]
The company Lattarko was founded in 2006. The idea was born understanding that the box board is in demand on the market, but rotted wood required for production is a renewable source of raw materials. [read more]
"LatFin Group" LLC was formed on October 26, 2011 in Riga, Latvia. The company specializes in metalworking, shipbuilding and construction, and has strong business relationships with its partners.. [read more]
Asociācijas un tās biedru mērķis ir veicināt mobilitātes pakalpojumu izplatību, kā arī uzlabot sabiedrības informētību un izpratni par tiem un to sniegtajām iespējām un.. [read more]
Electrical Network Design. [read more]
Latvijas Poligrāfijas uzņēmumu asociācija (LPUA) darbojas kopš 2017. gada 24. marta. Asociācijā ir apvienojies 31 dalībnieks (drukas un saistīto nozaru uzņēmumi) un 2 projekta.. [read more]
atvian Centre for Human Rights (LCHR) was established in 1993 as an independent non-governmental organisation. LCHR works with integration (minority rights and promotion of tolerance).. [read more]
Business consultations. Sharing knowledge how to improve business processes using MS Excel, Power BI and other tools. . [read more]
The Latvian Media Ethics Council was founded on 12 December 2018, by a total of fifteen media industry associations and companies. Thirty-one members have now joined the association as of this moment. [read more]
Latvijas Mazpulki / Latvian 4H is non governmental non-profit youth organisation and it's main aim is to promote attractive activities of young people in the Latvian countryside with.. [read more]
Latvijas Būvkonstrukciju projektētāju asociācija is a company, located at 52a Miera iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1013. They can be contacted via phone at +37129200661 for more detailed information. [read more]
Latvijas Universitāte ir viena no lielākajām un konkurētspējīgākajām augstskolām Baltijā, pulcējot 15 tūkstošus studentu ne vien no Latvijas, bet arī citām pasaules valstīm. [read more]
Atbalstīt Latvijas uzņēmumus nozīmē atbalstīt Latviju. . [read more]
Hi, I'm Lelde Beņķe-Lungeviča, a Riga-based freelance writer. You can hire me to:- tell your story through captivating articles, website, brochure and social media content, - identify content.. [read more]
WHY LUMINA LEARNING?At Lumina Learning, we believe that meaningful personal growth helps people become more adaptable and build strong personal and workplace relationships. [read more]
We are producing industrial workstations. [read more]
Baltic countries are mysterious and beautiful over any season, welcoming all the travelers from all over the world and Riga in particular is magical in terms of it's architecture, history,.. [read more]
Проектирование, изготовление и монтаж автоматики систем дымоудаления и вентиляцииПроектирование, изготовление и монтаж систем вызова медперсонала для больниц, пансионатов, клиник. [read more]
IT Consultation services company. [read more]
Latvian Model United Nations (LVMUN) is an incentive by the students of the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga in 2012. The first LVMUN took place in 2013 and gathered more than 150 delegates.. [read more]
we offer high quality electronics soldering and microsoldering. Our company specializes in apple mainboard repairs and data recovery. If no one can't, we probbobly can!. [read more]
1) Every legal entity registered in Latvia can edit their information 24/7. 2) Any natural person or legal person can publish classifieds (ads). Visit & Try LVINFO. [read more]
Lexikon is a full-service translation agency dedicated to providing exceptional language solutions. With a strong focus on delivering exceptional quality, we specialize in providing.. [read more]
The Latvian National Symphony Orchestra (LNSO) is one of the cornerstones of Latvian national culture. Founded in 1926 as the Riga Radio Centre Orchestra, the LNSO has borne its current name.. [read more]
Latvijas Juras Akademija is a higher education institution based out of Riga, Latvia. . [read more]
Leads Out is an online lead generation company. Using SEO and PPC campaigns we market our comparison portals and drive sales to our partner sites. [read more]