Development of construction buildings for later sale. [read more]
Latvijas Nacionālais arhīvs (LNA) ir kultūras ministra pārraudzībā esoša tiešās pārvaldes iestāde, kas īsteno valsts politiku dokumentu un arhīvu pārvaldības jomā. [read more]
LDDA. [read more]
Personalized Engraved Gifts & Commercial Laser EtchingMetals, Wood, Leather, All Plastics, Glass. [read more]
Society is a non-profit organization that brings together specialists in medical engineering and physics, as well as related parties. [read more]
"Patient is our priority"The Latvian Society for Medical Oncology supports specialists through the organization of educational seminars and conferences, through cooperation with governmental.. [read more]
We love DevOps and are willing to share that love. The Latvia DevOps Community was founded back in 2018 as an initiative of one specific company. At some point, it got put on hold. [read more]
We offer modern, practical, and skill-based higher education by the best local artists, lecturers, creatives, and mentors with rich experience and traditions in industries like culture, business,.. [read more]
We are a chain of events organised by Nordigen for Python developers. We believe in community that fosters cooperation amongst developers and assists the growth of Python in Latvia. [read more]
Daudzdzīvokļu namu apsaimniekošana un pārvaldīšana, tehniskā dienesta pakalpojumi, uzkopšanas pakalpojumi, juridiskā palīdzība un uzskaites/grāmatvedības pakalpojumi. [read more]
Latvijas Būvnieku Asociācija darbojas, lai apvienotu būvniecības profesionāļus veiksmīgai un ilgtspējīgai būvniecības attīstībai mūsu valstī un, ja ir tādas iespējas, arī ārpus valsts robežām. [read more]
DOOH and OOH screens in Riga's most popular locations. [read more]
Mēs savā vairāk kā 15 gadu pieredzē esam izstrādājuši visdažādākās tipoloģijas projektus. Sākot no privātmājām un villām līdz pat rūpnīcām, ražotnēm, skolām,.. [read more]
Latvijas Datorražotāju asociācija (LDRA) tika reģistrēta 1997. gadā 10. septembrī kā nevalstiska, sabiedriska organizācija. Mainoties asociācijas biedru uzņēmējdarbības specifikai,.. [read more]
LRB - We are the voice of the restaurant industry! The first restaurant owners' association founded in Latvia, established to protect the interests of market participants and consumers. [read more]
LATSERT is an independent conformity assessment body providing product certification and testing, training, expertise and other services. Services provided by LATSERT include a number of.. [read more]
At Lizel Studio, we are passionate about creating visually stunning and engaging designs that help our clients communicate their messages effectively. [read more]
Digital & Printable Stationeries. [read more]
LANDSHAPE is a company, located at 11a Bērzaunes iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1039. [read more]
While paying tribute to the traditional values of the classical and Romantic operas and ballets that are the cornerstones of its repertoire, the Latvian National Opera and Ballet continually.. [read more]
Latvijas Logu un durvju ražotāju asociācija (LLDRA) dibināta 1998. gada 18. jūlijā. Asociācija koordinē un nodrošina logu un durvju ražošanas nozares interešu pārstāvību Latvijas tautsaimniecībā. [read more]
Laba Vide is a company, located at Dzērbene 4118. [read more]
Biedrības pamatmērķis ir apvienot Latvijā strādājošos nozares profesionāļus, lai sasniegtu tās mērķus. Biedrības mērķi ir veicināt specialitātes attīstību Latvijā,.. [read more]
LVPA (Smart City Association of Latvia) is a community of IoT and Smart City concept oriented supporters. We are here to promote Smart City technologies, connect them to the World, represent.. [read more]
The Latvian Academy of Culture is a national university that was founded and accredited by the Republic of Latvia. The academy is aware of its responsibility towards the state and hence it links.. [read more]
LUNOS ir Vācu ražotājs ar vairāk kā 60 gadu pieredzi, inovatīvu un energoefektīvu decentralizēto ventilācijas sistēmu ražošanu un izplatīšanu visā pasaulē. [read more]
We offer integrated legal services to help business owners and wealthy families set up and manage family offices, investment structures and apply best corporate governance practices to.. [read more]
Stability - Responsibility - ResultLAW OFFICE TREY provides all kinds of legal assistance. Clients' interests are thoroughly evaluated on an individual basis in order to achieve their goals. [read more]
Lukoss SIA is a transport and logistics company that performs local and international container transportation. We specialize in logistics solutions to optimize delivery costs. [read more]
Lighthouse Transitional Care is a Christ-focused nonprofit organization in Riga, Latvia. We work with young adults aged out of the orphan care system or from difficult family backgrounds. [read more]
Latvian Insurers Association (LIA) is a society founded on 12 August 1993, which represents the common interests of the insurers in order to advance the development of the insurance industry.. [read more]
Video treniņu programmas tavai izaugsmei! Pieejamas vairāk kā 65 treniņu programmas tavas izaugsmes veicināšanai kopā ar Katru Dienu!. [read more]
Latvian Forest Owner's Association (LMIB) represents large and small private forest owners, families, comapnies and municipalities, or the property holder. [read more]
The Latvian Crowdfunding Association brings together Latvian crowdfunding service providers (Platforms) to develop good practices in the crowdfunding industry in Latvia. [read more]
LFSA is the student association of Latvian pharmaceutical students with headquarters in Riga, Latvia. It is a platform for pharmaceutical students from all Latvian universities and study years,.. [read more]
Latvijas arodbiedrība «Enerģija» ir nevalstiska organizācija Latvijā, kas apvieno 15 dalīborganizācijas un vairāk nekā 2 955 biedrus, īsteno profesionālu arodbiedrības biedru un.. [read more]