Ambex ir IT kompānija, kura piedāvā augstas kvalitātes mājaslapu dizainu izstrādi ar ērtu satura vadības sistēmu, dažādus mūsdienīgus tehniskos un satura risinājumus. [read more]
A consulting firm that is business-orientated of industry experts who offer professional advice, guidance and actionable solutions to hospitality businesses, experiencing issues they can't deal with. [read more]
🌲 Samaziniet izmaksas līdz 80%. izmantojot jau mūsu ieaudzētās platības kā kompensāciju🌲 Снизить затраты до 80% используя наши уже обработанных площадей kak компенсацию. [read more]
ACTUS BI delivers actionable reporting with Power BI and low-code development using Microsoft Power Platform tools (Power Apps, Power Automate). . [read more]
ArtSmart Ltd. is an SME having an international experience in providing management consultations, research and training to public and private organizations. [read more]
ABC Crewing based in Latvia, a privately owned licensed and MLC certified company, has been successfully operating in the maritime industry since 2010. [read more]
In 2014, when our desire became our mission - we established the enterprise AIRMED to offer various solutions for protecting people from germs both at home and in public places. [read more]
"AB City" holding company is the parent company of JSC "Repharm" and its group of companies includes providers of health care, pharmaceutical retail, wholesale, manufacturing, laboratory.. [read more]
Kayamba is an actively developing company focused on advanced cutting-edge freezing technologies and the food industry. We are developing 3 products: MK Technology, Vending Machines,.. [read more]
Advantus company group operates in Baltic state countries – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Building bridge between employers and employee since 2007. HR Solutions built around your specific needs. [read more]
No auga līdz produktiem ar vairāk nekā 40 gadu pieredzi, patentiem, unikālām tehnoloģijām un zinātniekiem: pētījumi, fakti, pieredze un ieteikumi. Atrodi savu vērtību un kļūsti.. [read more]
Riga detailing. Auto Spark mērķis ir sniegt klientam visaugstākā līmeņa pakalpojumus, radot pamatu ilgtermiņa attiecībām. Mūsu speciālisti ir gatavi pievērsties katram.. [read more]
My practical courses, books, and videos help anyone focus and improve their life, work, and relationships. Based on research and testing, I explain the most influential, yet ignored, level.. [read more]
We produce canned, frozen, and minced fish products under the brand name AMBERFISH or according to the client's order under a private brand. In our product portfolio a wide range of sprats,.. [read more]
ASKOR Development is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. [read more]
Our robot helps farmers who want to grow berries by performing work autonomously without human assistance, with the same quality of work and lower process costs in the long term. [read more]
agniazepa is a small business that was founded in 2012. At the beginning it was a home based manufactory, but few years later we had our range with products, a workshop in city center,.. [read more]
NFT's are gaining momentum right now (even though we are in a dipping market right now), within a few years it gained popularity within a tech-savvy audience and now is pushing its way to the.. [read more]
AlgaeMass+ is a startup company which is developing optimization solutions for industrial-scale microalgal biomass production that enhances biochemical processes without genetic modifications.. [read more]
GO CARGO • A modern time company that offers various import and export trade related resources such as finances, trade partnership, customs clearance and logistics. [read more]
AR-KEN4⚪️ Neliels, taču pieredzes bagāts un strauji augošs projektēšanas un projektu vadības birojs būvniecības un arhitektūras jomā. 📐 Strādājam pie visu būvju tipiem.. [read more]
Association of Psychologysts "Kongruence" is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. [read more]
The main activities of AVIATEST are certificated full-scale airframe structural tests of aircrafts, helicopters, eVTOLs, UAVs and their main units. The other activity of AVIATEST is.. [read more]
Pretkorozijas apstrāde - jebkura veida automašīnām!. [read more]
AMPERSTOREOnline lighting store, that provides various lighting solutions for private and public spaces. We care about the quality of products and offer a large assortment of light fixtures.. [read more]
AvaFin Holding is a company, located at 12 Skanstes iela, Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta 1013. They can be contacted via phone at +37127231100 for more detailed information. [read more]
Autoskan is a Latvia-based online marketplace that offers auto products such as oils, lubricants, engines, light bulbs and body parts for motor vehicles. [read more]
We are AML professionals that are developing remote AML Support services adapted to various company models and different types of businesses in FinTech and Blockchain industries. [read more]
ALMIKO Ltd is a company, located at Rīga, Rīgas pilsēta. [read more]
Founded in 2015, Aviation Engineering Management, SIA is a company specializes in material support, parts sales and repair management for aircraft operators worldwide. [read more]
Car rental Ambercar provides German quality rental cars, reliable and fast car rental services. Our professional and friendly services are always focused on customer time and values. [read more]
We have been making e-books for YA and adults for 12 years. Love adventure novels, non-boring non-fiction, parodies. . [read more]
Fire Safety & Security Systems, communication systems, industrial automation. stuff 90 employeers, up to 150 on huge projects. . [read more]
Mēs radām individuālu pieeju, lai sasniegtu rezultātu un uzlabotu ikdienas dzīves kvalitāti. Mēs radām priekpilnas emocijas. Mēs ikdienu novērtējam lojalitāti un atbalstām ikvienu. [read more]
The Team of Ambitious and Genius will help your company's employees to improve the leadership skills, improve the managerial skills overall sales. "Leadership Is The Ability To Get.. [read more]
We offer 3D printed products, which will be useful both as corporate gifts and as interior items. Those who choose environmentally friendly products will especially appreciate it. [read more]