Izgudrotāji mēs neesam, bet mums ir pilnas galvas ar radošām idejām. Maizi mēs necepam, bet mums patīk cept foršus tekstus. Mākoņus aizstumt mēs nespējam, bet protam izraisīt.. [read more]
Piedāvājam profesionālus un kvalitatīvus uzkopšanas pakalpojumus, kas ļaus ieekonomēt jūsu laiku, enerģiju un pat reputāciju. Mēs piedāvājam; - Mēbeļu ķīmisko tīrīšanu un dezinficēšanu. [read more]
Daudzprofilu III līmeņa Ogres novada slimnīca nodrošina augsti kvalificētu veselības aprūpi ikvienam pacientam!. [read more]
SERVISS. EU is a company, located at 1a Meža prospekts, Ogre, Ogres novads 5001. [read more]
Ring Baltic is a leading supplier of high quality chair motion systems, designed around our patented torsion bar mechanism. . [read more]
Raw nature, modern design - that's a short summary about our produced furniture. Since the furniture is more like a friend to us, we work accurately and with love. [read more]
Metal working has always been a very laborious and delicate job. Nowadays, steel and its alloys, such as stainless steel, are most commonly used in metalworking. [read more]
HLD Mark piedāvā Jums – augsti kvalificētus servisa pakalpojumus birojam un mājām, inovatīvas tehnoloģijas, pieredzējušu un atsaucīgu darbinieku konsultācijas. [read more]
Wogen Pharm is a competitive pharmaceutical wholesaler, which has been operating in Latvia since 2011. The company has obtained GDP and all permits for the sale of medicines. [read more]
Vegan Fox is cosmetics brand that focuses in body, face and bath/shower cosmetics that are specially made for vegans. We believe that our products are one of best in market with price/quality.. [read more]
Established 2001, TMMetal Baltic is a foundry located in Latvia, EU member state. Our range of copper alloy CU3 casting products for marine industry includes, but is not limited to: propeller.. [read more]
Tipogrāfijas Brokeris tibro. lv ir online cenu aptaujas sistēma, kas nodrošina zemākās cenas visa veida poligrāfijas darbiem. SIA Tipogrāfijas Brokeris sadarbojas ar Latvijas.. [read more]
Nodrošinām profesionālas sporta uniformas un treniņtērpus komandām un uzņēmumu vajadzībam. Manufacturing of professional sports uniforms and training gear for teams and companies. [read more]
SierŠtelle fresh cheese production. . [read more]
We support your production with Manufacturing engineering. We are dealing with various manufacturing sciences and practices including the research, design and development of systems,.. [read more]
Accounting services, financial consultations. [read more]
SIA SELDING ir profesionālo higiēnas uzkopšanas inventāra, tehnikas un tīrāmo līdzekļu vairumtirgotājs. Kopš dibināšanas sākuma SIA SELDING atrodās Ogrē - pilsētā, kas ir tikai 35. [read more]
Lesso is an online marketplace for informal education. . [read more]
"LATLAFT" is a family owned company, which started its' route to experience and competence in the log house market in 2003. During these years, company has grown into one of the market.. [read more]
Inovatīvs Biznesa konsultāciju un apmācību uzņēmumsPārdošanas un klientu apkalpošanas un uzņēmumu vadības efektivitātes paaugstināšana. Konsultācijas personāla atlasē un.. [read more]
PreCooling offers innovative solutions to increase the efficiency of the process of adiabatic air-cooling systems - PreCooling. In addition to the increase of efficiency of the cooling capacity,.. [read more]
Offering a reliable, efficient and hassle-free solution for Payroll and HR. . [read more]
Optika ir nozare, kurā satiekas mode, fizika un medicīna. OPTIC GURU ir ģimenes uzņēmums, kas dibināts 2003. gadā un sevī apvieno vairākus sekmīgus un optikas nozarē labi.. [read more]
Prometal Group is Latvian based metalworks company. Currently looking for new partners in Scandinavian and other European countries. . [read more]
Handmade rustic candles production. [read more]
Imagine your children playing with interesting, safe and natural toys. Each of them has its own meaning and function, and each of them develops something in the child. [read more]
Our company has over 10 years of experience in door manufacturing. LATDOOR produces doors upon order and according to customers' needs and desires. We manufacture fire safe, soundproof,.. [read more]
Ivory Group is privately held investment consulting and holding company. Our main areas of expertise includes investment consultations for attraction of European grant money. [read more]
. . [read more]
Fjordhub. com is subscription-based planning, attendance control, and interaction platform for employees. It facilitates interactive kiosks, SMS, and WhatsApp as a means of communication.. [read more]
For several years now, we have been working both inside and outside Europe and we have noticed that a lot of entrepreneurs do not use the benefits of the Authorised Exporter (AE) status.. [read more]
We research & manufacture fashion mannequins from mycelium materials. . [read more]
Greis Logistika SIA is a company, located at Ogre. [read more]
Our mission is to put our customers first by bringing a neon vibe for every conceivable space or event by planning, designing and creating the best quality new generation LED Neon signs we.. [read more]
Company EP AUTO is founded in 2007. We are distributing professional tire repair materials in Baltic Countries. Maruni (Japan), X-TRASEAL (USA), TIPTOPOL (Poland) are brends which we are distibuting. [read more]