LĪDERE. Vārds, kas saistās ar ļoti dažādām izpratnēm un emocijām. No pietātes un apbrīnas līdz neizpratnei un mulsumam. Kas ir līderība? Vai tā saistīta ar amatu,.. [read more]
Evolio AS is a company, located at Kļavu iela, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 2166. [read more]
The company GLASKON Ltd. was registered on the 4th June 2007. The main activities of the GLASKON are insulating glass units production, glass tempering, fire-resistant glass cutting. [read more]
Go Media is a company, located at 11 Jaunzemu iela, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 2167. [read more]
Commercial transport service company SIA ZK 9 is the official Ford Trucks F-Max truck distributor in the Latvian market. . [read more]
FeniBet is the place where you should use your everyday luck!. [read more]
Apraksts. . . . . [read more]
Forum Auto SIA is a company, located at Mārupe 2167. They can be contacted via phone at +37167 320 044 for more detailed information. . [read more]
ECO Airlines is a new European regional airline founded in 2021 in Latvia. Currently we are in a process of certification which is planned to be finalized by the end of March 2022. [read more]
EHT FABRIK Ltd. is a leading supplier of precision sheet metalwork in Latvia, providing all our in-house services within 2700 square meters of purpose-built working space. [read more]
Express Mail provides fast delivery services from hand to hand throughout the world. Using the broad delivery network of Latvijas Pasts and collaboration partners, Express Mail is able to.. [read more]
Founded in 2010, EDGE Optical Solutions is a brand of EDGE Technologies Ltd. , focusing on Saving Costs & Expanding possibilities of telecommunications Network. [read more]
DELTRA unites top-level professionals combined with inexhaustible and positive energy, possessing great experience in the field of transport logistics. [read more]
Hello? 👀Oh, Hi! ✋🏽I'll keep this short - My name is Mikus Emīls Zupiņš and I'm a entrepreneur for my company MEdesigns. Why MEdesigns, you ask❓The answer is really simple and kind.. [read more]
Domus Angāri ir sertificēts uzņēmums, kas sniedz būvniecības pakalpojumus. Esam plaši pazīstami, piedāvājot dažāda veida angārus un garāžas, to projektēšanu, ražošanu, kā arī.. [read more]
Display Latvia piedāvā pārbaudītus risinājumus efektīvai preču un informācijas izvietošanai veikalos un citās tirdzniecības vietās, padarot klientu iepirkšanos daudz ērtāku un patīkamāku. [read more]
Excellence. Simply Delivered. . [read more]
Smarter IT The more competitive infrastructure you have, the more rapid business growth you do and the more joy it brings youBUSINESS COVERAGE IT infrastructure services, critical systems,.. [read more]
Drone Racing Latvia is an organization that brings together FPV racing drone pilots to develop this new sport in Latvia and the Baltic states. . [read more]
SIA "CONTENT" ir inženiertehnisko projektu, vides risinājumu, ES struktūrfondu piesaistes projektu, biznesa konsultāciju, projektu vadības - ārpakalpojumu uzņēmums. [read more]
The ClearWay Handling & Operations is the Flight Support Company, the main idea of it's establishing is to provide the clients the trip support service in a Clear Way. [read more]
We provide companies with full software lifecycle services: analysis, system design, development, testing, documentation, implementation, maintenance and improvement. [read more]
DispoService is becoming the biggest delivery van and parcel shipment database in the world. All data entered by local service providers are distributed in numerous ways all around the world, to.. [read more]
Apmetuma darbi | Nekustamā īpašuma attīstīšana | Privātmāju būvniecībaPlastering work | Real estate development | Construction. [read more]
Sociālais medijsMēs joprojām esam vienīgais vietējais sociālais medijs Eiropā, kuru nav apsteidzis Facebook. Mūs lieto lielākā daļa latviski runājošo interneta lietotāju pasaulē – 1,2 miljoni. [read more]
SIA Doka Latvia ir vadošais betonēšanas veidņu partneris Latvijā. Uzņēmums nodarbojas ar betonēšanas veidņu nomu un tirdzniecību pamatu, sienu, griestu pārsegumu, lifta šahtu utml. [read more]
We are the leading supplier of personal protective equipment to the State of Latvia in the time of COVID 19. [read more]
We produce a wide variety of light solutions such as; spotlights, testers, DMX splitters & recorders, controllers, and signal processing equipment. We are proud of our service department. [read more]
Being more than 10 years on the market we provide highest level of expertise for our customers in IT infrastructure and security solutions to grow their success. [read more]
Business Garden Riga is the greenest office complex in Pardaugava. It is a place where a comfortable and inspiring work environment is created by combining functional and sustainable solutions. [read more]
CITYrefund provides VAT refunding services to individuals (tourists, travellers), the EU non-residents from purchases at retail stores in the countries of the European Union. [read more]
B. O. E means Beauty on EarthBOE. HEALTHCARE connects innovations, ancient knowledge, wellness and self care for more beauty and health in our lives. . [read more]
Beautyfor Latvia is a company, located at Mārupe 2167. They can be contacted via phone at +37167878628 for more detailed information. . [read more]
About Bacho company. For 6 years Bacho Company manufactures topiary figures made of fiberglass and artificial grass, that encourage to decorate and revive natural and commercial spaces. [read more]
We take care of your brand in Baltic States!Brander SIA is a brand building and distribution company of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Baltic States and CIS. [read more]
• Become a Top 3 hockey equipment manufacturer in 3-4 years. • Become the Wildest hockey brand ever. • Complete building the whole equipment range. • Set small goals every single day,.. [read more]