SIA "WESS Financial Services" ir sertificēta Latvijas apdrošināšanas brokeru sabiedrība, kura ir dibināta 2008. gadā. Uzņēmuma darbinieki ar vairāk nekā 20 gadu pieredzi.. [read more]
VR CNC is a company, located at 49 Loka ceļš, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 2166. [read more]
A wholesale company distributing veterinary products, complete feeds, feed additives, and veterinary instruments. We consult on animal therapy, feeding issues, and help our customers to find the.. [read more]
Baltic Business Aviation Centre is the leader in business aircraft charters in Eastern Europe & CIS Countries. The company's head office is located in Riga, Latvia (EU). [read more]
Car rental company TOPRENT was founded in 2015. Company provides car rental services in 3 Baltic countries Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. TOPRENT provides high quality customer service , with.. [read more]
Mūsu darbības mērķis ir mazināt cilvēku ciešanas mentālās veselības jomā Latvijā. ‘'TIEK'' balstoties jaunākajās zinātnes atziņās mazina aizspriedumus par mentālo veselību.. [read more]
We specialize in launching projects from idea to branding and full advertising cycle. We know that coming up with a great idea is just the first step - it's the execution that really counts. [read more]
Techvitas savu darbību sāka 1999. gadā kā veiksmīgs un strauji augošs uzņēmums ar filiālēm Viļņā, Kauņā, Šauļos, Kedaiņos, Utenā un Tauragē. Savu darbību uzņēmums.. [read more]
SPEDAIR is an independent air cargo service provider that offers its services through Europe's largest airports. Our services: Air freightCustoms broker. [read more]
SwanGifts is an enterprise working with Promotional Advertising Solutions with specialization in custom-made gifts, souvenirs & mascots. We have worked with clients from various industries.. [read more]
Providing customized components for engineering, shipbuilding, oil production companies and manufacturer of corrosion-free tanks and others. . [read more]
SIA KATAP- Latvian company dealing with glass processing equipment and supporting materials. Particularly we are selling LAMMITECH lamination furnaces, EVOLAM film for glass lamination and.. [read more]
Relax FM (Latvia) is a company, located at 4 Ziemeļu iela, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 1053. [read more]
Biedrība "Pierīgas partnerība" ir vietējā rīcības grupa, kas darbojas Mārupes un Olaines novadu teritorijās, apvieno aktīvos iedzīvotājus, organizācijas, uzņēmējus un pašvaldības pārstāvjus. [read more]
Plastics Latvia ir vairumtirdzniecības uzņēmums, kas piedāvā plāksnes, plēves, plastmasas un alumīnija produktus dažādām nozarēm - reklāmai, celtniecībai, iepakojumam,.. [read more]
Diennakts tehniskais dienests; Telpu un teritorijas uzkopšana; Dārznieku pakalpojumi; Ēkas apsardzes pakalpojumi 24/7; Citi pakalpojumi. [read more]
DII stuff is a company, located at 27 Ozolu iela, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 2166. [read more]
ALSO Noliktavas hotelis ir 3PL loģistikas ārpakalpojums, kas nodrošina jūsu preču uzglabāšanu, iepakošanu un komplektēšanu, kā arī piegādi jūsu klientiem precīzi noteiktajā laikā un vietā. [read more]
Padel club with 8 courts located in Riga, Latvia. . [read more]
Mārupes Grāmatvedības Birojs is an accounting, located at 4 Pakalniņu iela, Mārupe, Mārupe Municipality 2167. They can be contacted via phone at +37129189155 for more detailed information. [read more]
Using our experience, up-to-date technologies and imagination of our designers and craftsman, we (SIA "Arre") are offering you various solutions for almost any kind of metal gates,.. [read more]
Wholesale of Edible Coffee CupsĒdamās kafijas krūzīšu vairumtirdzniecībaТорговля съедобными стаканчиками для кофе. [read more]
New format at town Office+store/show room+warehouses Everything your business requires in one place. . [read more]
Our flower bar main value is always fresh, seasonal flowers, and we appreciate uncomplicated arrangements. Therefore our moto is - buy fresh, touch less. [read more]
Premium steel windows and doors manufacturer. . [read more]
We are building minimalistic-designed saunas from CLT material. . [read more]
SIA Dezinfa kopš 2002. gada attīsta darbību kaitēkļu kontroles jomā. Mēs veicam objektu uzraudzību pret insektiem, grauzējiem, putniem un citiem kaitēkļiem, balstoties uz.. [read more]
We are offering a multitude of services to meet customer business needs. Our believe is in delivering logistical services on time in order for our clients to rely on our expertise to manage their.. [read more]
SMSvinjetes. lv is a unique portal made for those who are in transportation and logistics business or those who own commercial vehicles and they have to buy a road tolls in Lithuania, Latvia.. [read more]
e-Dators ir vadošo IT industrijas pārstāvju izstrādāts pakalpojums, kas paredzēts ikdienas lietošanai cilvēkiem, kuriem primārais fokuss ir savs bizness. [read more]
An American style hotel next to Riga International Airport. . [read more]
Ja Jūs nezinat kurai apsardzes kompānijai uzticēt savu drošību, tad uzticaties visām kompānijām uzreiz. Mēs piedāvājam jaunu apsardzes koncepciju Latvijā. [read more]
We carefully select high quality products to offer you the best through our retail and wholesale networks. . [read more]
Whether you need custom aluminum, steel, glass, or wood fabrication for your industrial or commercial project, we have the expertise and experience to bring your vision to life. [read more]
SIA BIGSA piedāvā šādu pakalpojumu sniegšanu:1. Inženierkomunikāciju projektēšana: ūdensvada un kanalizācijas sistēmu projektēšana. Tas ietver visu no sākuma plānošanas līdz galīgajam projektam. [read more]
The Company is focused on the ultimate outcome and is uncompromising in the matters of quality, efficiency and reliability of mounted systems. We are organizing our production processes in.. [read more]