Artist. gives is a noncommercial organization, which is a platform for conducting online events, where each event is dedicated to raising funds for charity. [read more]
The purpose of the Addiction Prevention Center is to help individuals recognize, resolve or mitigate problems associated with the use of addictive substances and processes, developing their.. [read more]
Established in 2018, AFS Global Technologies is a Latvian-based company operating worldwide. We provide technical expertise and maintenance field services for industrial equipment, as well.. [read more]
The store chain "top!" is the third largest retail store chain owned by 20 Latvian companies that was established in 2000. [read more]
Full cycle of web based business systems and web apps. We work with you to define your goals and develop personalized solutions to ensure they are achieved. [read more]
We are "ARCHITECTS MĀRTIŅMĀJAS". Architecture company based in Lativa, Europe. Young, award-winning contemporary architecture firm in Liepāja is searching for extremely talented designers for.. [read more]
We build great stuff from bits and pixels. We are a web development company located in Liepaja, Latvia. . [read more]
"AMG montāža"Ltd. was established in Liepaja, Latvia in February, 2008. "AMG Montāža" Ltd. are one of the most dynamic upcoming company in uPVC, aluminium construction bussines in Latvia market. [read more]
We offer workwear, shoes, gloves and protective equipment wholesale and retail. Aldrem offers to customers personal protective equipment from widely known international companies. [read more]
The company "AB METAL " works as a subcontractor in precise metalworking and we have experience in cooperation with different industries. We specialize in Sheet Metal Processing and CNC Machining. [read more]
AS Lauma Lingerie is a company, located at 19 Ziemeļu iela, Liepāja, Liepājas pilsēta 3405. [read more]
žurnāls "RADIOAMATIERIS", located at Liepāja, Riepu iela 12/6. [read more]
Sabiedriskais portāls-interneta vietne "www. irliepaja. lv", located at Liepāja, Rožu laukums 5/6. [read more]
žurnāls "Liepājas Vēstules", located at Liepāja, Pasta iela 3. [read more]
"Čekeme", located at Liepāja, Graudu iela 43-31. [read more]
laikraksts "Eho Gazzetta", located at Liepāja, Kuršu iela 14. [read more]
Laikraksts "KURZEMES REKLĀMA", located at Liepāja, Graudu iela 43a. [read more]
laikraksts "LIEPĀJAS REKLĀMA", located at Liepāja, Jūrmalas iela 24/28-26. [read more]
Laikraksts "NAŠA", located at Liepāja, Klaipēdas iela 19/21. [read more]
laikraksts "TavēJā" avīze, located at Liepāja, Kūrmājas prospekts 7. [read more]
Laikraksts "TOP ZIŅAS", located at Liepāja, Brīvības iela 56. [read more]
laikraksts "LIEPAJSKOJE VREMJA", located at Liepāja, Ezera iela 62. [read more]
laikraksts "LIEPĀJAS LAIKS", located at Liepāja, Ezera iela 62. [read more]
oriģināli televīzijas raidījumi (TV Dzintare), located at Liepāja, Graudu iela 23. [read more]
oriģināli radio raidījumi (Radio FM 102), located at Liepāja, Ozolu iela 27. [read more]
oriģināli radio raidījumi (Jūras Radio), located at Liepāja, Jūras parks, stadions "Daugava". [read more]
oriģināli radio raidījumi (Radio "FM 102"), located at Liepāja, Uliha iela 36. [read more]
oriģināli radio raidījumi (Radio Liepāja), located at Liepāja, Avotu 10. [read more]
oriģināli televīzijas raidījumi (Lejaskurzemes TV), located at Liepāja, Klaipēdas iela 19/21. [read more]
oriģināli televīzijas raidījumi un kabeļtelevīzija (Liepāja), located at Liepāja, Oskara Kalpaka iela 10. [read more]
kabeļtelevīzijas programma, located at Liepāja, Ziemeļu iela 19. [read more]
oriģināli televīzijas un video materiāli (Liepāja), located at Liepāja, Siena iela 2. [read more]
oriģināla radio raidījumi un audio produkcija (Liepāja), located at Liepāja, Reiņa Meža iela 14-46. [read more]
televīzijas un radio raidījumi, located at Liepāja, Rožu iela 6. [read more]
laikraksts "Vakara Liepāja", located at Liepāja, Stendera iela 10. [read more]
laikraksts "Večerņaja Liepaja", located at Liepāja, Stendera iela 10. [read more]