"We try that each of our dear clients would find something unique and at the same time, native for himself. "Viola Stils is the company with more than twenty years of experience in production.. [read more]
Office Equipment and Computer Repair Service. [read more]
A government organization that plans and runs all basic spheres concerning the development of Jēkabpils County and surrounding area. . [read more]
VīzijaAustrumlatvijā vadošais un Baltijā atpazīstams, konkurētspējīgs, mūsdienīgs un inovatīvs ārstniecības, veselības veicināšanas un profilakses centrs, kuru raksturo:✓.. [read more]
ABOUT US Company: SIA "Ošukalns Celtniecība" Established in 2003. Our services: Metalworking, engineering, shot blasting, metal cutting, welding, painting, tin works, full cycle construction, energy. [read more]
Mēs sevi esam pierādījuši kā plaša profila rūpniecisku, dzīvojamo, administratīvo ēku celtniecības un renovācijas darbu veicēji, kā pagastu, uzņēmumu un māju ceļu būvdarbu.. [read more]
"EASYWOOD" SIA is located in Latvia. The company is Specialized in manufacturing Glulamwood, mainly producing customer specific products for House building and standart dimension glulam beams. [read more]
Water relaxation centerRelax in Water relaxation center and you can combine swimming in the pool with various massages or enjoy powerful back currents and geyser jet. [read more]
Hotel Daugavkrasti. [read more]
SIA "AAO Projekts'' dibināts 2015. gadā. Uzņēmuma pamatdarbība ir elektroietaišu projektēšana, izbūve, remonti, pārbaudes un mērījumi. Saviem klientiem vienmēr cenšamies būt.. [read more]
Osukalns is a company, located at Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils pilsēta 5202. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65237711 for more detailed information. . [read more]