Spridisi, located at Tērvetes iela, Tērvete, Tērvetes pagasts, LV-3730. [read more]
Apartamenti Palena Medibu Muiza Tervete, located at Tērvete, Tērvetes pagasts, LV-3730. [read more]
ERTE Grupa ir viens no vadošajiem kokmateriālu produktu ražotājiem Latvijā ar vairāk nekā 15 gadu pieredzi nozarē. Uzņēmums dibināts 2007. gadā, un šobrīd gan ražotne,.. [read more]
"Craftsmen of the project "Entrepreneurship without Borders" unites the Interreg Latvija-Lietuva program local artisans (80 persons) working with textile, glass, wood, ceramics and paper that.. [read more]
Bukaišu tautas nams, located at Bukaiši, Bukaišu pagasts, LV-3714. [read more]
Ir skaisti radīt skaistas lietas. Būšana klāt šajā radīšanas procesā, kad ideja tiek iedzīvināta materiālā formā, sniedz patiesu prieku un gandarījumu. [read more]
TENAX INSTALL is an expert of project management for industrial premises. . [read more]
TENAX grupa today is a group of companies in the Baltic's, managing producing companies and export development projects in North of Europe, its daughter companies TENAPORS SIA, TENAX PANEL SIA,.. [read more]
TENAX PANEL on kontserni TENAX sandwich-tüüpi ehk kihtpaneelide tootmisettevõte, mis loodi eraldi üksusena 2018. aasta detsembris. Selleks korraldati tootmisettevõte TENAPORS ümber.. [read more]
TENAPORS SIA a member of TENAX grupa companies, is among the leading insulation material producers in Baltic countries, and North Europe. Key business directions - insulating solutions for.. [read more]
Latvia Packing is a seller and exporter of pallet collars. VARIETY OF SIZES:We produce wooden pallet collars in standard sizes - with a height of 100, 200, 300 and 400 mm, and in non-standard.. [read more]
RašanāsUzņēmums tika dibināts 2010. gada sākumā, sekojot sapnim, kas vēlāk kļuva par daļu no mūsu misijas. Ideja, kas mudināja un ļāva izveidot uzņēmumu, radās 2004. [read more]
ENG:We are one of the leading European manufacturer of sealants for the glass industry and the largest construction sealant producer in the Baltics for more than 30 years. [read more]
Largest manufacturer of household chemicals, body care products, mineral fertilizers and disinfectants in Latvia. The dawn of JSC SPODRIBA dates back to 1921. [read more]
Auces pilsētas estrāde, located at Annas Brigaderes iela, Auce, LV-3708. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 745 282 for more detailed information. [read more]
TENAX PANEL SIA is a sandwich panel manufacturing unit of TENAX grupa companies, established as a separate entity from end December 2018, by restructuring TENAPORS SIA into two separate.. [read more]
AGROLATS GROUP unites companies with a common understanding, values and approach to business development as well as with a common goal of creating a sustainable, mutually supportive.. [read more]
brošuras, prospekti, katalogi, kalendāri, vienlapes, located at Dobele, Zaļā iela 10. [read more]
laikraksts"ZEMGALE", located at Dobele, Zaļā iela 14. [read more]
Firma SIA "KOKNESIS", located at Dobele, Dainu iela 6-47. [read more]
Sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību "FAUNA" Dobeles filiāle, located at Dobele, Zemgales iela 44a. [read more]
Dobeles S. Šinko individuālais tirdzniecības uzņēmums "TELS", located at Dobele, Ausmas iela 17-17. [read more]
Dobeles Rinkunas individuālais uzņēmums-kafejnīca "ANNELE", located at Dobele, Meža prospekts 4-35. [read more]
Firma "ARINA" SIA, located at Dobele, Jāņa Čakstes iela 15-22. [read more]
Firma "ILGA M. S. SIA", located at Dobele, Krišjāņa Barona iela 5. [read more]
SIA "SARMA", located at Dobele, Zaļā iela 28-2. [read more]
SIA "LIEPZIEDS", located at Dobele, Liepu iela 4. [read more]
Dobeles firma SIA "VVV", located at Dobele, Liepu iela 6b-2. [read more]
SIA sociālās aprūpes sabiedrība "DOBELE", located at Dobele, Krasta iela 11. [read more]
Agrorūpnieciskā sabiedrība "DOBELE SIA", located at Dobele, Brīvības iela 15. [read more]
Dobeles uzņēmums "AMATU APMĀCĪBAS CENTRS", located at Dobele, Brīvības iela 27. [read more]
Maksātnespējīgais Kārkliņa uzņēmums "MONTA", located at Dobele, Viestura iela 1. [read more]
SIA "HOUSE OF BALTIC", located at Dobele, Uzvaras iela 22a. [read more]
Bezpeļņas organizācijas valsts akciju sabiedrības "Nodarbinātības valsts dienests" filiāle- "DOBELES CENTRS", located at Dobele, Zaļā iela 27. [read more]
Maksātnespējīgā SIA firma "ALODIJA", located at Dobele, Skolas iela 10-16. [read more]
IK "DAKOS", located at Dobele, Muldavas iela 9-18. [read more]