Wenden Brewery ir mazā alus darītava no Cēsīm. Esam cilvēku kopums ar pārliecību, ka centība ir nebeidzama – jebkurā lietā. Izvēlies lietu un ar centību, pārliecību un atdevi dari.. [read more]
Providing interactive educational and recreational activities to schools and families. . [read more]
Large profile event managment:•Event management and planning •Boucy castle rental•Professional photography •Advertising •Event equipment rental. [read more]
Mēs gribam izmantot savu plašo pieredzi un zināšanas, lai veicinātu Latvijas iedzīvotāju, mūsu līdzcilvēku labklājību. Mēs vēlamies, lai rezultāts tiek sasniegts.. [read more]
Ltd Pro Grupa is a company, located at 18b Rūpniecības iela, Cēsis, Cēsis Municipality 4101. They can be contacted via phone at +37126622332 for more detailed information. [read more]
UNITRUCK SIA is a company, located at Cēsis. [read more]
ab. g. persson is a company, located at Cēsis, Cēsis Municipality. [read more]
In Latvia based internet perfume web-shop. Original products. Prices up to 70% lower than in retail. . [read more]
Vidzeme Planning Region (VPR) is a regional development management organisation, one of the five planning regions in Latvia, and represents the interests of all Vidzeme residents living in.. [read more]
Ar māju celtniecību, projektu izstrādi un kokmateriālu tirdzniecībunodarbojamies kopš 2006. gada. Mūsu uzņēmumā strādā tikai kvalificēticeltnieki, kas savas zināšanas un.. [read more]
Bērnu aksesuāru un apģērbu zīmols. Katram mazulim individuāli radīts dizains, izmantojam dabīgus materiālus. Radīts Latvijā. Radīts ar mīlestību. . [read more]
mint ir ilgtspējīgs un cilvēcīgs zīmols, kura misija ir padarīt patīkamāku, drošāku un kvalitatīvāku darbu iespējami lielākam skaitam Baltijas iedzīvotāju, piedāvājot.. [read more]
SIA MULTUM ir radies 2017. gadā, strauji attīstot gan e-komerciju, gan paplašinot veikalu tīklu reģionos, šobrīd lepojamies jau ar 8 veikaliem Latvijā: Rīgā, Siguldā, Valmierā,.. [read more]
The idea of creating a specialized LED light bulb store was born in 2014, while renovating an apartment, and there was a desire to be modern and environmentally friendly and to buy.. [read more]
Ltd. "Markets" is established 1992nd and today is one of the companies able to compete in the grocery distribution area of Latvian. Staff experience and high professionalism allows the company to.. [read more]
"Staļi" was founded in 1993 and is a leading manufacturer of wooden doors and windows in Northern Europe. For 22 years, the company has offered customers worldwide only the best products.. [read more]
Stikla paviljoni, verandas, nojumes un bīdāmās sistēmas. Viss nepieciešamais, lai radītu Telpu un piepildītu to ar gaismu un patīkamām emocijām. Ja Tev pieder balkons, māja ar dārzu.. [read more]
Skola6 is a newly founded creative and digital industries center in Cēsis, Latvia. Anyone from the local community can access the services and opportunities provided by Skola6: -use the.. [read more]
It all begins with epic excitement felt by everyone in the room. At this moment the child turns into rider. Focus, step, leg and go. And hit the road! Such moments are not many in life. [read more]
Geštaltterapijas prakse. Jūsu apzinātībai un izaugsmeiPiedāvā individuālo terapiju/ konsultācijasDarbā izmantoju fotogrāfiju un dažādas mākslas terapijas tehnikasUz ķermeni.. [read more]
Rucka Art Residency is a company, located at 19 Piebalgas iela, Cēsis, Cēsis Municipality 4101. [read more]
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Automatic transmission rebuilding factory. We rebuild automatic transmissions, torque converters, valve bodies for passengers cars, buses, heavy duty machinery. [read more]
KANOeditions has been creating giant coloring posters since the beginning of 2021. Designed by local illustrators, who know cultural elements, legends and traditions best, biodegradable and.. [read more]
Eco & Natural is a company, located at Cēsis. [read more]
We offer a variety of high quality timber products from Europe. Our product range includes garden houses, saunas, various design objects, wooden mouldings, glued wood boards and more. [read more]
Cēsu novada pašvaldība izpilda domes pieņemtos lēmumus un novada iedzīvotājiem nodoršina pašvaldības pakalpojumu un informācijas pieejamību. . [read more]
BRANDIT team specialize in digital marketing, branding design, website improvement & project management. . [read more]
Design Elevator is a product development and design studio based in Latvia. We accompany you in the product or service development cycle. From understanding who the clients and users are in depth.. [read more]
Make fun of learning together with Beloved boards educational busy boards. Our busy board is here to help your children build an educational future. Why? Because the child's basic knowledge.. [read more]
SIA Baltspan is animal bedding producer from wood shavings. Our company was established in 2015 and is located in Cesis, Latvia. . [read more]
Cesis meat factory" is the largest HALAL beef and lamb slaughterhouse and fresh meat processing factory in Latvia, tended on the highest quality, dynamic development and appropriate to all.. [read more]
Cēsu alus is the largest brewery producing beer in Latvia. Substantial development started 12 years ago when its market share was 2 - 3 % reaching the average market share 30% of Latvian.. [read more]
Hassle-free skincare for men. 100% natural & certified COSMOS Organic. Refined by the cold Baltic weather and run by northern men with a solid belief that taking care of men's skin should be.. [read more]
ActusQ is an agricultural investment advisory boutique with international network and proven track record. We are providing specialist advice and access to attractive investment opportunities.. [read more]
Amberfide is an interim Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) | Business Intelligence (BI) services provider. We specialise in Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) | Business Intelligence (BI).. [read more]