Tūrisma informācija par Tukuma apkārtni. . Labs TIC. DAudz info. Labā vietā. . It's werry good. If you ask something they will probably answer. [read more]
Dobeles novada turisma informacijas centrs is a travel agency, located at Baznīcas iela 6, Dobele, Dobeles pilsēta, LV-3701. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 723 074 for more.. [read more]
Ir arī plaša tualete un info netikai par Talsu raj. . [read more]
Worked at here for two weeks. Good staff, nice, clear place. There you can get info about town and get Ventspils native money VENTI. . [read more]
Saldus turisma informacijas centrs is a travel agency, located at Striķu iela 3, Saldus, Saldus pilsēta, LV-3801. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 807 443 for more detailed information. [read more]
Iespēja aiz gara laika palasīt grāmatu. Grāmatu plauktā pieejamas daudz grāmatas kuras var paņemt līdz un lasīt autobusa. Laba vieta. Var iedzert kafiju. [read more]
aquí paran la mayoría de buses que salen a riga o. en otras direcciones. hay un mercado cerca. tienen baños y una tienda de revistas y chocolatinas. son amables en la ventanilla. [read more]
Atvelc Elpu is a real estate agency, located at Gundegas, Lejasciema pagasts, LV-4412. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 125 671 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ļoti interesants muzejs, interesanta pieeja eksponātu izrādīšanai. . Labs muzejs un kafejnīca bārs. . Iegriezieties un saņemiet informāciju!. [read more]
Always WiFi. Friendly. . [read more]
Viena no nedaudzām mazpilsētiņu autoostām ar stratēģisku nozīmi,jo caur to iet ne tikai vietējā novada satiksme,bet ari daudzi tālsatiksmes autobusi no Rīgas gan uz Vidzemi,gan.. [read more]
Schön angelegt und übersichtlich. Entspricht voll den Erwartungen. . Atrodas blakus dzelzcela stacijai un Baniza muzejam. [read more]
Gundegas, Brīvdienu māja is a real estate agency, located at Gundegas, Lejasciema pagasts, LV-4412. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 146 330 for more detailed information. [read more]
Staiceles turisma informacijas centrs is a travel agency, located at Lielā iela 13, Staicele, Staiceles pilsēta, LV-4043. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 035 371 for more.. [read more]
Esmu šeit apmeties jau divas reizes savu komandējumu ietvaroa. Lieliska un relatīvi lēta vieta kur atpūsties pēc darba. Ir pieejama kopēja virtuvīte, ledusskapis ar visiem.. [read more]
365 BRIVDIENAS tūroperators is a travel agency, located at Lāčplēša iela 20A, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1011. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 338 127 for more detailed information. [read more]
A wonderful place to go horse riding. The people are friendly and responsive. Not strict with times. The only downfall - no one speaks English, so would suggest to have someone who can.. [read more]
My brother loved the awesome stag we organized for him!. [read more]
Eins ist Klar, wer sich hier Einbucht , hat mit einem Schaufensterbummel nicht viel am Hut. , Diese Oase wird von zwei Jungen Damen geführt, welche sich in diesem Areal bestens auskennen. [read more]
Kompetentas un laipnas meitenes :) Ja vēl vajadzīga kāda info: bibliotēka tajā pašā ēkā. . [read more]
Viesu nams "Saules sēta" is a travel agency, located at Viļānu novads, Dekšāres pagasts, LV-4628. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 111 974 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хорошо развивающее предприятие!!!. Superīga darba vieta ☺. Rūpnīca ,kas daudziem cilvēkiem nodrošina darba vietas. [read more]
Pieejami materiali. Kartes. Suveniri. Ekskursijas pa novadu. [read more]
Aglona tourism club "visitAglona" is a travel agency, located at Daugavpils iela 2, Aglona, Aglonas pagasts, LV-5304. They can be contacted via phone at +371 28 661 925 for more detailed information. [read more]
Latgale regional tourism association "Ezerzeme" is a travel agency, located at Somersētas iela 34, Aglona, Aglonas pagasts, LV-5304. They can be contacted via phone at +371 28 661 925 for.. [read more]
Mandarina Travel is a travel agency, located at Mihoelsa iela 54, Daugavpils, LV-5400. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 345 147 for more detailed information. [read more]
Very helpfull and Accurate information. 😀. [read more]
IK "EZERZEME TOUR D" is a travel agency, located at 18. novembra iela 48, Daugavpils, LV-5401. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 250 469 for more detailed information. [read more]
Atsaucīgs un laipns saimnieks,burvīga vieta pie milzu ezera, mājīga naktsmītne. хорошее место для отдыха. . Lieliska vieta atpūtai. . [read more]
Отличное место, хорошая баня, рекомендую всем любителям отдыха за городом. Jauka mājiņa ainaviskā vietā. Pāris km attālumā Gaiziņa virsotne. Mežā gailenes. [read more]
Labi pauguri lai skrietu,😁. Ļoti jauka, mierpilna vietiņa Latvijas laukos!. Interesting place, with history, and strangeness. For science people it's not the best place. [read more]
Via Bono , SIA is a travel agency, located at Brīvības iela 22, Ogre, Ogres pilsēta, LV-5001. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 071 900 for more detailed information. [read more]
The information office is very nice: small but full of many different souvenirs (cheap and really original), and the people working there are very kind and discreet. [read more]
Ja vēlme uzzināt, ko dienas laikā sadarīt Limbažu pilsētā vai kā pavadīt nedēļas nogali Limbažu novadā, droši var doties uz Limbažu TIC. Plaša informācija par Limbažu.. [read more]
Patīkama vieta, klusums un miers. Skaista daba,klusums. Brīnišķīgi saimnieki!. Sakopta vietiņa un burvīgi saimnieki. Pirtiņa bija super!. [read more]
Enjoyed my time here. Good customer service. . [read more]