Ārpusē Super, iekšpusē nolaista, bet redzams, kad notiek remontdarbi. . Best school ever!!!👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍. Best school ever!!!!!!!!!!:). [read more]
Privātā pamatskola Gaismas tilts 97 is a school, located at Nākotnes iela 3, Ķekava, Ķekavas pagasts, LV-2123. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 937 884 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ķekavas Mūzikas skola is a school, located at Nākotnes iela 3, Ķekava, Ķekavas pagasts, LV-2123. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 937 502 for more detailed information. [read more]
Forši bērni, labi skolotāji! 😁. Forša skola labi skolotāji pats tur mācos. [read more]
Ltd. Skolmeistars is a school, located at Lielirbes iela 13 - 4, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1046. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 802 248 for more detailed information. [read more]
Bērzupes speciālā internātskola is a school, located at Annenieki, Annenieki Parish, LV-3718. [read more]
Pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde "Ieviņa" is a school, located at Gaismas iela 19 k-11, Ķekava, Ķekavas pagasts, LV-2123. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 937 033 for more.. [read more]
Riga Centre Humanitarian Secondary School is a school, located at Krišjāņa Barona iela 97A, Latgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1012. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 272 228 for.. [read more]
Pardaugavas pirmsskola is a school, located at Zvārdes iela 17, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1004. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 612 153 for more detailed information. [read more]
Jurmalas Alternativa skola, Pirmsskola is a school, located at Dzintaru prospekts 27, Jūrmala, LV-2015. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 811 766 for more detailed information. [read more]
Замечательная школа и очень хорошие учителя!. Хорошие учителя, отремонтированные помещения. Все ухожено, свежий ремонт, фасад и окна. [read more]
Probably the best place to get your high school diploma in design, in Latvia. . [read more]
Mācos un mācīšos. . Mācos un mācīšos. . [read more]
Ļoti jauka vide un cilvēki. . [read more]
Šī ir ļoti laba skola. Manuprāt tā ir skaistākā skola ko kādreiz esmu redzējusi. Esmu bijusi daudzās skolās, tomēr šī ir labākā. Ir liela izglītošā programma daudas valodas kā piem. [read more]
Valodu mācību centrs is a school, located at Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 8, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1050. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 332 442 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lieliska skola ar labiem un zinošiem pasniedzējiem,kas spēj noturēt skolēnu uzmanību. . [read more]
Riga Ziepniekkalna Primary is a school, located at Īslīces iela 4, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1058. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 670 722 for more detailed information. [read more]
Privātais Bērnudārzs SAULESPUĶE is a school, located at Meža iela 4A, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1048. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 838 511 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ļoti jauka skola. Šajā skolā var daudz iegūt, ir saprotamas norādes un šī ir skola, kurā es mācos. . Man patīk šī skola un ja kādam pret to ir pretendzijas vienkārši nepievērsiet uzmanību. [read more]
Avotins, pirmsskolas izglitibas iestade is a school, located at Īslīces iela 10, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1058. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 848 152 for more.. [read more]
One of the most highly accepted education and highly appreciated teaching stuff. Suit classes and delicious meals!. The child went to kindergarten, liked everything. [read more]
PII "Avotiņš", Baloži is a school, located at Jaunatnes -3, Jaunatnes iela, Baloži, Baložu pilsēta, LV-2112. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 917 719 for more detailed information. [read more]
Murjanu sporta gimnazija, Jurmalas filiale is a school, located at Jaunā iela 66, Jūrmala, LV-2015. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 762 419 for more detailed information. [read more]
Отметили день рождения сына. Отличный получился праздник, отличное место, уютно, по-домашнему. Рекомендую!!! Спайдермен просто супер, понравилось не только детям, но и родителям!. [read more]
Образец дошкольного учреждения. . Отличный детский сад!. [read more]
Ļoti jauka atmosfēra. . [read more]
Lielupe Secondary School is a school, located at Aizputes 1a, Jūrmala, LV-2010. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 753 281 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ruku skola , SIA, Bernu attistibas centrs is a school, located at Bauskas iela 33, Zemgales priekšpilsēta, Rīga, LV-1004. They can be contacted via phone at +371 67 629 528 for more.. [read more]
ISL is one of the best schools in Latvia. It is located in a small and growing Pinki. I highly recommend to anyone to go there. . This school is amazing! The people are great and friendly. [read more]
Это самая лучшая школа!. Любимая школа))). Школа супер. [read more]
Baseins labs. man patīk. . Local school till 12 grade. Школа в которой я училась. . [read more]
Direktora kungs, Es vēlētos izteikt lepnumu, ka esmu bijusi Rīgas 41. vidusskolas audzēkne no 1956. -1964. (uzsāku skolas gaitas vēl Baltās ielas ēkā). [read more]
There is a nice quiet park behind the school building. There is a tram stop near to the school. . Ļoti laba informācija! Noderīga!. [read more]
Пси-салон "ANAISER", Латв. центр человека "ANAIS" is a school, located at -,Латвия, Upes iela 43, Jūrmala, LV-2008. They can be contacted via phone at +371 28 838 340 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хороший спорткомплекс. . Skola katram bērnam un laimīgiem vecākiem!. [read more]