Viļānu novada pašvaldības sporta skola is a school, located at Liepu iela 2B, Viļāni, LV-4650. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-662219 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lubānas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Rūķīši is a school, located at Brīvības iela 17, Lubāna, LV-4830. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-807532 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lubānas Vidusskola E-Klase is a school, located at Krasta iela 6, Lubāna, LV-4830. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-860862 for more detailed information. [read more]
Ropažu Mūzikas Un Mākslas Skola Rondenpois is a school, located at Rīgas iela, Ropažu novads, LV-2135. [read more]
Iecavas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Cālītis is a school, located at Zemgales iela 9A, Iecavas novads, LV-3913. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-941547 for more detailed information. [read more]
Iecavas Mūzikas Skola is a school, located at Raiņa iela, Iecavas novads, LV-3913. [read more]
Sēlijas sporta skola is a school, located at Smilšu iela 39, Viesīte, LV-5237. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(26)-531010 for more detailed information. [read more]
Lielvārdes pamatskola is a primary school, located at Avotu iela 2, Lielvārde, LV-5070. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(65)-054034 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krāslavas novada pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Pīlādzītis is a school, located at Aronsona iela 1, Krāslava, LV-5601. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(65)-622249 for more.. [read more]
Krāslavas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Pienenīte is a school, located at Ezera iela 15, Krāslava, LV-5601. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(65)-622582 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krāslavas Valsts Ģimnāzija E-Klase is a school, located at Raiņa iela 25, Krāslava, LV-5601. [read more]
Rīgas Valsts tehnikums, Krāslavas filiāle is a school, located at Nikodema Rancāna iela 4, Krāslava, LV-5601. [read more]
Krāslavas Pamatskola E-Klase is a school, located at Pils iela 5, Krāslava, LV-5601. [read more]
Krāslavas Varavīksnes Vidusskola E-Klase is a school, located at Nikodema Rancāna iela 4, Krāslava, LV-5601. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(65)-681468 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kraslavas Vsk Sporta Zale is a school, located at Krāslava, LV-5601. [read more]
Krāslavas sporta skola is a school, located at Rīgas iela 26, Krāslava, LV-5601. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(65)-622722 for more detailed information. [read more]
Krāslavas Mākslas skola is a school, located at Raiņa iela 6, Krāslava, LV-5601. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 681 164 for more detailed information. [read more]
Cēsu 2. vidusskola is a school, located at Valmieras iela 19, Cēsis, LV-4101. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 122 706 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kandavas pilsētas pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Zīļuks is a school, located at Raiņa iela 14, Kandava, LV-3120. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-182061 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kandavas Kārļa Mīlenbaha vidusskola is a school, located at Skolas iela 10, Kandava, LV-3120. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 182 262 for more detailed information. [read more]
Kandavas novada Zantes pamatskola is a primary school, located at Skolas iela 14, Zante, Zantes pagasts, LV-3134. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 155 309 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gulbenes 3. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Auseklītis is a school, located at Nākotnes iela 4, Gulbene, LV-4401. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-473241 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gulbenes 2. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Rūķītis is a school, located at Bērzu iela 4B, Gulbene, LV-4401. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-472139 for more detailed information. [read more]
Gulbenes 1. pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde is a school, located at Oskara Kalpaka iela 70A, Gulbene, LV-4401. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(64)-473816 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vidzemes Reģiona Pārvalde is a school, located at Rīgas iela 50, Valmiera, LV-4201. [read more]
Dobeles speciālā pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Valodiņa is a school, located at Upes iela 5, Dobele, LV-3701. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 781 995 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dobeles pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde Jāņtārpiņš is a school, located at Zaļā iela 29, Dobele, LV-3701. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-721742 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dobeles sporta skola is a school, located at Edgara Francmaņa iela 5, Dobele, LV-3701. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-723201 for more detailed information. [read more]
Dobeles Amatniecības vidusskola is a school, located at Gaurata iela 8, Dobele, LV-3701. [read more]
Bauskas novada pašvaldības vispārējās izglītības iestāde Bauskas Valsts ģimnāzij is a school, located at Uzvaras iela 10, Bauska, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone.. [read more]
Bauskas novada pašvaldības pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde ZĪLĪTE is a school, located at Plūdoņa iela 60, Bauska, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-924050 for.. [read more]
Bauskas novada pašvaldības pirmsskolas izglītības iestāde PASAULĪTE is a school, located at Saules iela 8, Bauska, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-922591 for.. [read more]
Bauskas novada pašvaldības iestāde Bauskas sākumskola is a primary school, located at Uzvaras iela 10, Bauska, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 712 959 for more.. [read more]
Bauskas Mūzikas Skola is a school, located at Upmalas iela 5, Bauska, LV-3901. They can be contacted via phone at +(371)-(63)-923944 for more detailed information. [read more]
Vugd Jēkabpils Depo is a school, located at Bebru iela 100, Jēkabpils, LV-5201. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 231 297 for more detailed information. [read more]
Balvu Vugd is a school, located at Balvi, LV-4501. [read more]