An awesome place: away from the touristy city center, with a great view and amazing atmosphere. You can also enjoy some art here completely free of charge! When we visited it there were 3.. [read more]
Vienīgais tāds muzejs Latvijā. Izcili speciālisti un sirsnīga attieksme. Iesaku!. No ārpuses ,tā nekas. Labs nuzejs. Forsi visu izstastija. [read more]
Skanus maistas ir rami aplinka bei senovinė aplinka. . Laba vieta lai ieturētu pauzi un apskatītu vietu. . Great music and warm attitude from the lady who works there. [read more]
Ar akmens līniju norobežota senā apmetnes vieta. . [read more]
Short but beautiful walk. . [read more]
Tanku muzejs is a museum, located at Svente, Sventes pagasts, LV-5473. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 427 822 for more detailed information. [read more]
Советую всем посетить!. Очень красиво!. [read more]
Красивый мемориал. . красивый памятник. [read more]
Very good place for humor and history. The place is very cold and has some toxic dust on some places so plan accordingly. . You can feel breath of 19th century👍👍👍. [read more]
Daugavpils University Museum is a museum, located at Saules iela 1/3, Daugavpils, LV-5401. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 567 989 for more detailed information. [read more]
Компактная по площади и весьма насыщенная объектами экспозиция. Музей очень грамотно организован и, что важно для такой темы, совершенно не политизирован. [read more]
Zemnieka sētas un lauksaimniecības mašīnu muzejs is a museum, located at Ruļļi, Gailīšu pagasts, LV-3931. [read more]
Novadnieki is a museum, located at Skolas 1, Skaistkalne, Skaistkalnes pagasts, LV-3924. They can be contacted via phone at +371 63 933 207 for more detailed information. [read more]
Хорошая, интересная экскурсия по музею. Великолепная природа. Прекрасное место для отдыха от жизненной суеты. . Gājām pa taku līdz jūrai. Очень красивое и интересное место,музей вобще блеск. [read more]
Ziemassvētku vecīša sēta is a museum, located at "Griezītes", Dzērbene, Dzērbenes pag. , Vecpiebalgas nov. , Dzērbenes pagasts, LV-4118. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 444 400.. [read more]
Pinakoteka Ltd. investment buiding is a real estate agency, located at Ziedleju iela 1, Mārupe, Mārupes pag. , Mārupes nov. , Mārupes novads, LV-2167. [read more]
Romana Sutas un Aleksandras Beļcovas muzejs ir divām spilgtām Latvijas mākslas vēstures personībām, klasiskā modernisma pārstāvjiem Romanam Sutam (1896-1944) un viņa.. [read more]
인테리어 예술 및 디자인 박물관 구글맵 위치가 좀 어긋나 있음. 게다가 라트비아어와 영어 표시가 중복되어 있고. 인테리어 예술 및 디자인 라트비아 박물관으로 1989년 1월 1일에 세워졌고 1989년 7월 6일에 개방했단다. 이건 라트비아어로 표시된 것. 들어가서 보려고 했는데 여기도 티켓을 팔더라. [read more]
Diezgan interesanti, tur ir hologramas smilšu kaste kur var smiltis parliekot uzcelt kalnus un kloķi pagriežot palielināt hologrammas ūdens daudzumu, virtuālās realitātes kamera, spele ar riteni utt. [read more]
Valsts Meza dienests, Meza petisanas stacija, Meza seklu kontroles laboratorija is a museum, located at Kalsnavas pagasts, LV-4860. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 826 442 for.. [read more]
A. Pelēča lasītava is a museum, located at Lielā iela 39, Talsi, Talsu pilsēta, LV-3201. [read more]
Vieta simpātiska. Mazām kāzām arī ceremonijas zāle ir okei. . Хороший приморский музей маленького городка. . [read more]
Tiešām jauka vietiņa!. [read more]
Good option to see Latvian seaside history in one place. Great outdoors for all age groups. The best option, when you plan ahead, while some events are happening on sundays. [read more]
Well displayed exhibitions with the majority labelled in both Latvian and English which was very useful. It's a must see for anyone visiting Ventspils. [read more]
Brīnišķīga akmeņu ekspozīcija, kur apskates kulminācijā pārsteigums. Interesanti parādīts kurp lido gājputni. Bērniem patika kļūt par pētniekiem un rīkoties ar mikroskopu. [read more]
Mazsalacas novada muzejs is a museum, located at Parka iela 31, Mazsalaca, Mazsalacas pilsēta, LV-4215. They can be contacted via phone at +371 26 519 165 for more detailed information. [read more]
The combination of widest naturally formed waterfall in Europe (249 m) and history museum, very beautiful place. . Noteikti iesaku, lieliska programma jaunajam pārim. [read more]
Dvaras ant kalno, nuo kurio atsiveria puikus vaizdas į miestelį, pasivaikščiojimui vietos nedaug, bet yra puiki ekspozicija. . Atjaunošanas darbi tiek veikti tik rūpīgi un ar mīlestību. [read more]
Aleksandra Biezina muzejs is a museum, located at Jaundilmaņi, Madonas novads, Sarkaņu pagasts, LV-4870. They can be contacted via phone at +371 29 452 112 for more detailed information. [read more]
Izzinoši un interesanti. Очень интерестно. Interesantas ekspozīcijas. [read more]
Viļānu Novadpētniecības muzejs is a museum, located at Kultūras laukums 4, Viļāni, Viļānu pilsēta, LV-4650. They can be contacted via phone at +371 64 662 250 for more detailed information. [read more]
Небольшой скромный музейчик, особенно редких экспонатов не встретить, рекомендую посетить во время.. [read more]
Interesanta ekspozīcija. [read more]
Современное, живое, интерактивное пространство Культуры, в котором хочется побывать вновь и вновь, даже.. [read more]
Latgales makslas un amatniecibas centrs is a museum, located at Domes iela 1, Līvāni, Līvānu pilsēta, LV-5316. They can be contacted via phone at +371 65 381 855 for more detailed information. [read more]